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[src/trunk]: src/crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/netpgp Remove a duplicat...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 754641:51a88c86b454
user:      agc <>
date:      Fri May 07 05:58:25 2010 +0000

Remove a duplicate example - from Juan RP in private mail - thanks!


 crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/netpgp/netpgp.1 |  39 +--------------------
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diffs (53 lines):

diff -r 8922b6fc8a39 -r 51a88c86b454 crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/netpgp/netpgp.1
--- a/crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/netpgp/netpgp.1       Fri May 07 05:55:46 2010 +0000
+++ b/crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist/src/netpgp/netpgp.1       Fri May 07 05:58:25 2010 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-.\" $NetBSD: netpgp.1,v 1.11 2010/03/20 20:34:56 joerg Exp $
+.\" $NetBSD: netpgp.1,v 1.12 2010/05/07 05:58:25 agc Exp $
 .\" Copyright (c) 2009 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
 .\" All rights reserved.
@@ -470,43 +470,6 @@
 \&...contents of original file...
-For operations like signing and encrypting a file at the same time,
-the best way is to make use of pipelines:
-.Bd -literal
-% netpgp --sign \*[Lt] example | netpgp --encrypt --userid=c0596823 \*[Gt] example.gpg
-netpgp: default key set to "C0596823"
-pub 2048/RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 1b68dcfcc0596823 2004-01-12
-Key fingerprint: d415 9deb 336d e4cc cdfa 00cd 1b68 dcfc c059 6823
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks (Yahoo!) \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-netpgp passphrase:
-% netpgp --decrypt \*[Lt] example.gpg | netpgp --cat
-netpgp: default key set to "C0596823"
-netpgp: default key set to "C0596823"
-pub 2048/RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 1b68dcfcc0596823 2004-01-12
-Key fingerprint: d415 9deb 336d e4cc cdfa 00cd 1b68 dcfc c059 6823
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks (Yahoo!) \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-netpgp passphrase:
-Good signature for \*[Lt]stdin\*[Gt] made Mon Feb 22 07:21:19 2010
-using RSA (Encrypt or Sign) key 1b68dcfcc0596823
-pub 2048/RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 1b68dcfcc0596823 2004-01-12
-Key fingerprint: d415 9deb 336d e4cc cdfa 00cd 1b68 dcfc c059 6823
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-uid              Alistair Crooks (Yahoo!) \*[Lt]\*[Gt]
-\&...contents of original file...

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