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[src/trunk]: src/sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist import new acpica

branches:  trunk
changeset: 792242:3af43ca1e451
user:      christos <>
date:      Fri Dec 27 18:45:57 2013 +0000

import new acpica


 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/Makefile                                  |    16 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/changes.txt                               |  7003 +++++++--
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/acgetline.c                        |   440 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/adfile.c                           |    60 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/adisasm.c                          |   414 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/adwalk.c                           |   146 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/ahpredef.c                         |   323 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/dmextern.c                         |   870 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/dmrestag.c                         |   237 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/dmtable.c                          |   202 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/dmtbdump.c                         |  1081 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/common/getopt.c                           |   122 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslanalyze.c                     |    61 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslbtypes.c                      |    42 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslcodegen.c                     |    25 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslcompiler.h                    |   277 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslcompiler.l                    |  1191 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslcompiler.y                    |  1285 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asldefine.h                      |    37 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslerror.c                       |   449 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslfileio.c                      |   393 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslfiles.c                       |   552 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslfold.c                        |   158 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslglobal.h                      |    92 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslhex.c                         |   403 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asllength.c                      |    13 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asllisting.c                     |  1174 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asllistsup.c                     |   710 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslload.c                        |    38 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asllookup.c                      |  1296 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslmain.c                        |   981 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslmap.c                         |    87 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslmessages.h                    |   285 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslmethod.c                      |   680 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslnamesp.c                      |   423 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asloffset.c                      |   472 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslopcodes.c                     |   185 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asloperands.c                    |    68 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslopt.c                         |    81 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asloptions.c                     |   831 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslpredef.c                      |   403 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslprepkg.c                      |   682 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslresource.c                    |   166 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype1.c                    |    36 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype1i.c                   |    98 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2.c                    |     7 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2d.c                   |    45 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2e.c                   |    51 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2q.c                   |    43 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2s.c                   |  1189 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslrestype2w.c                   |    37 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslstartup.c                     |   412 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslstubs.c                       |    23 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslsupport.l                     |   824 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asltransform.c                   |    43 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asltypes.h                       |    33 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/asluuid.c                        |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslwalks.c                       |   662 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/aslxref.c                        |   886 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtcompile.c                      |    62 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtcompiler.h                     |    63 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtexpress.c                      |    32 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtfield.c                        |    30 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtio.c                           |   287 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtparser.l                       |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtparser.y                       |     6 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtsubtable.c                     |    11 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dttable.c                        |   935 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dttemplate.c                     |    54 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dttemplate.h                     |   297 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/dtutils.c                        |    63 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/new_table.txt                    |    88 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/preprocess.h                     |   288 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/prexpress.c                      |   305 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/prmacros.c                       |   574 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/prparser.l                       |   153 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/prparser.y                       |   284 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/prscan.c                         |   962 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/prutils.c                        |   464 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/compiler/readme.txt                       |   140 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbconvert.c                      |   529 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbfileio.c                       |    66 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbhistry.c                       |    76 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbmethod.c                       |   133 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbnames.c                        |    89 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbstats.c                        |    44 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/debugger/dbxface.c                        |    28 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmbuffer.c                   |   186 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmdeferred.c                 |   274 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmnames.c                    |    22 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmobject.c                   |    22 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmopcode.c                   |   323 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmresrcl2.c                  |   703 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmresrcs.c                   |    66 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmutils.c                    |    62 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/disassembler/dmwalk.c                     |    97 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsargs.c                       |    12 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsfield.c                      |   176 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsinit.c                       |    10 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsmethod.c                     |    14 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsmthdat.c                     |    20 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsobject.c                     |    37 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dsutils.c                      |    58 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswexec.c                      |    35 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswload.c                      |    24 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswload2.c                     |    34 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswscope.c                     |     4 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/dispatcher/dswstate.c                     |    16 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evevent.c                          |    32 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evglock.c                          |    13 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evgpe.c                            |    46 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evgpeblk.c                         |    24 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evgpeinit.c                        |    22 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evgpeutil.c                        |    47 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evhandler.c                        |   585 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evmisc.c                           |   213 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evregion.c                         |   751 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evsci.c                            |    93 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evxfevnt.c                         |    20 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evxfgpe.c                          |   104 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/events/evxfregn.c                         |     5 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exconvrt.c                       |    31 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/excreate.c                       |    41 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exfield.c                        |    38 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exfldio.c                        |    64 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exmisc.c                         |    32 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exmutex.c                        |    10 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exnames.c                        |    12 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exoparg1.c                       |   107 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exoparg2.c                       |    25 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exoparg3.c                       |    10 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exoparg6.c                       |    14 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exprep.c                         |    56 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exregion.c                       |    34 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exresnte.c                       |    24 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exresolv.c                       |    27 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exresop.c                        |    30 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exstore.c                        |   181 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exstoren.c                       |    23 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exstorob.c                       |     9 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exsystem.c                       |    12 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/executer/exutils.c                        |    55 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/release/                 |   478 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/release/               |   146 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/Makefile                    |    40 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/Makefile.common             |    93 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/Makefile.config             |   216 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/Makefile.rules              |    24 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpibin/Makefile            |   127 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpidump/Makefile           |    66 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpiexec/Makefile           |   851 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpihelp/Makefile           |    80 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpinames/Makefile          |   381 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpisrc/Makefile            |    83 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/acpixtract/Makefile         |    39 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/generate/unix/iasl/Makefile               |   830 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwacpi.c                         |    29 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwesleep.c                       |   258 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwgpe.c                          |    23 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwpci.c                          |     6 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwregs.c                         |    33 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwsleep.c                        |   415 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwtimer.c                        |    31 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwvalid.c                        |     7 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwxface.c                        |   235 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/hardware/hwxfsleep.c                      |   487 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acbuffer.h                        |   246 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/accommon.h                        |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acconfig.h                        |    52 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acdispat.h                        |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acevents.h                        |    65 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acexcep.h                         |   430 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/achware.h                         |    60 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acnames.h                         |    36 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acobject.h                        |    26 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acopcode.h                        |    12 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acoutput.h                        |   191 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acparser.h                        |    37 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acpi.h                            |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acpredef.h                        |  1134 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acrestyp.h                        |   240 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/acstruct.h                        |    44 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/actbl.h                           |    93 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/actbl2.h                          |   226 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/actbl3.h                          |   739 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/amlcode.h                         |    31 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/amlresrc.h                        |   164 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/accygwin.h               |    12 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acefi.h                  |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acenv.h                  |    34 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acfreebsd.h              |    14 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acgcc.h                  |     6 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/achaiku.h                |   105 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acintel.h                |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/aclinux.h                |   158 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acmacosx.h               |    58 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acmsvc.h                 |    20 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acos2.h                  |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acwin.h                  |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/include/platform/acwin64.h                |     3 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsalloc.c                       |    27 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsarguments.c                   |   303 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsconvert.c                     |   484 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsdumpdv.c                      |     6 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsload.c                        |    13 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsnames.c                       |     6 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsobject.c                      |    12 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsparse.c                       |    12 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nspredef.c                      |  1030 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsprepkg.c                      |   631 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsrepair.c                      |   592 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nssearch.c                      |     3 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsutils.c                       |   134 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nswalk.c                        |    32 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/namespace/nsxfobj.c                       |     8 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/osfreebsdtbl.c |   898 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/oslinuxtbl.c   |  1445 ++
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/osunixdir.c    |    55 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/osunixmap.c    |   171 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/osunixxf.c     |   395 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/oswindir.c     |     5 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/oswintbl.c     |   321 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/os_specific/service_layers/oswinxf.c      |   155 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psargs.c                           |   182 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psloop.c                           |   645 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psobject.c                         |   679 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psopinfo.c                         |   288 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psparse.c                          |    25 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psscope.c                          |     3 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/pstree.c                           |    17 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psutils.c                          |    18 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/pswalk.c                           |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/parser/psxface.c                          |    20 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsaddr.c                        |     4 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rscalc.c                        |   101 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rscreate.c                      |   149 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsdumpinfo.c                    |   357 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsinfo.c                        |    61 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsio.c                          |     4 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsirq.c                         |    62 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rslist.c                        |    91 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsmemory.c                      |     4 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsmisc.c                        |   309 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/resources/rsserial.c                      |   429 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tables/tbfind.c                           |     4 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tables/tbinstal.c                         |   163 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tables/tbprint.c                          |   276 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tables/tbxfload.c                         |   419 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tests/misc/badcode.asl                    |    39 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tests/misc/grammar.asl                    |   100 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpibin/abcompare.c                 |   207 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpibin/abmain.c                    |    55 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpibin/acpibin.h                   |    22 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpidump/acpidump.h                 |   165 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpidump/apdump.c                   |   513 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpidump/apfiles.c                  |   291 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpidump/apmain.c                   |   370 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aecommon.h                 |     7 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aeexec.c                   |   201 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aehandlers.c               |   712 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aemain.c                   |  1032 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aetables.c                 |    71 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpiexec/aetables.h                 |   208 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpihelp/acpihelp.h                 |    19 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpihelp/ahamlops.c                 |     2 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpihelp/ahaslkey.c                 |    57 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpihelp/ahaslops.c                 |   173 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpihelp/ahdecode.c                 |   313 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpihelp/ahmain.c                   |    69 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpinames/acpinames.h               |     3 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpinames/anmain.c                  |    23 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpinames/anstubs.c                 |    28 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpinames/antables.c                |    10 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/acpisrc.h                   |    76 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/ascase.c                    |   346 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asconvrt.c                  |   139 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asfile.c                    |   147 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asmain.c                    |   139 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asremove.c                  |   135 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/astable.c                   |   214 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpisrc/asutils.c                   |    48 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpixtract/acpixtract.c             |   393 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/acpixtract/axmain.c                 |   207 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/examples/examples.c                 |   167 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/examples/examples.h                 |    59 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/examples/exstubs.c                  |   339 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/tools/examples/extables.c                 |   484 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utaddress.c                     |   326 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utalloc.c                       |   144 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utbuffer.c                      |   220 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utclib.c                        |   264 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utcopy.c                        |    27 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utdelete.c                      |   212 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/uterror.c                       |   327 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utexcep.c                       |   181 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utids.c                         |   111 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utinit.c                        |    48 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utlock.c                        |     3 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utmath.c                        |     6 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utobject.c                      |    31 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utownerid.c                     |   241 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utpredef.c                      |   452 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utresrc.c                       |   333 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utstate.c                       |    46 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utstring.c                      |   762 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utxface.c                       |   507 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utxferror.c                     |   246 +-
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utxfinit.c                      |   367 +
 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/utilities/utxfmutex.c                     |   213 +
 309 files changed, 54409 insertions(+), 18414 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 102268 to 300 lines):

diff -r 6cf4e26eb31d -r 3af43ca1e451 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/Makefile
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/Makefile     Fri Dec 27 18:45:57 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Common make for acpica tools and utilities
+# Note: This makefile is intended to be used from within the native
+# ACPICA directory structure, from under top level acpica directory.
+# It specifically places all the object files for each tool in separate
+# generate/unix subdirectories, not within the various ACPICA source
+# code directories. This prevents collisions between different
+# compilations of the same source file with different compile options.
+BUILD_DIRECTORY_PATH = "generate/unix"
+include generate/unix/Makefile.config
+include generate/unix/Makefile.common
diff -r 6cf4e26eb31d -r 3af43ca1e451 sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/changes.txt
--- a/sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/changes.txt  Fri Dec 27 16:58:50 2013 +0000
+++ b/sys/external/bsd/acpica/dist/changes.txt  Fri Dec 27 18:45:57 2013 +0000
@@ -1,22 +1,2425 @@
+18 December 2013. Summary of changes for version 20131218:
+Global note: The ACPI 5.0A specification was released this month. There 
+are no changes needed for ACPICA since this release of ACPI is an 
+errata/clarification release. The specification is available at 
+1) ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem:
+Added validation of the XSDT root table if it is present. Some older 
+platforms contain an XSDT that is ill-formed or otherwise invalid (such 
+as containing some or all entries that are NULL pointers). This change 
+adds a new function to validate the XSDT before actually using it. If the 
+XSDT is found to be invalid, ACPICA will now automatically fall back to 
+using the RSDT instead. Original implementation by Zhao Yakui. Ported to 
+ACPICA and enhanced by Lv Zheng and Bob Moore.
+Added a runtime option to ignore the XSDT and force the use of the RSDT. 
+This change adds a runtime option that will force ACPICA to use the RSDT 
+instead of the XSDT (AcpiGbl_DoNotUseXsdt). Although the ACPI spec 
+requires that an XSDT be used instead of the RSDT, the XSDT has been 
+found to be corrupt or ill-formed on some machines. Lv Zheng.
+Added a runtime option to favor 32-bit FADT register addresses over the 
+64-bit addresses. This change adds an option to favor 32-bit FADT 
+addresses when there is a conflict between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions 
+of the same register. The default behavior is to use the 64-bit version 
+in accordance with the ACPI specification. This can now be overridden via 
+the AcpiGbl_Use32BitFadtAddresses flag. ACPICA BZ 885. Lv Zheng.
+During the change above, the internal "Convert FADT" and "Verify FADT" 
+functions have been merged to simplify the code, making it easier to 
+understand and maintain. ACPICA BZ 933.
+Improve exception reporting and handling for GPE block installation. 
+Return an actual status from AcpiEvGetGpeXruptBlock and don't clobber the 
+status when exiting AcpiEvInstallGpeBlock. ACPICA BZ 1019.
+Added helper macros to extract bus/segment numbers from the HEST table. 
+This change adds two macros to extract the encoded bus and segment 
+numbers from the HEST Bus field - ACPI_HEST_BUS and ACPI_HEST_SEGMENT. 
+Betty Dall <>
+Removed the unused ACPI_FREE_BUFFER macro. This macro is no longer used 
+by ACPICA. It is not a public macro, so it should have no effect on 
+existing OSV code. Lv Zheng.
+Example Code and Data Size: These are the sizes for the OS-independent 
+acpica.lib produced by the Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 32-bit compiler. The 
+debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and 
+has a much larger code and data size.
+  Current Release:
+    Non-Debug Version:  96.1K Code, 27.0K Data, 123.1K Total
+    Debug Version:     185.6K Code, 77.3K Data, 262.9K Total
+  Previous Release:
+    Non-Debug Version:  95.9K Code, 27.0K Data, 122.9K Total
+    Debug Version:     185.1K Code, 77.2K Data, 262.3K Total
+2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:
+Disassembler: Improved pathname support for emitted External() 
+statements. This change adds full pathname support for external names 
+that have been resolved internally by the inclusion of additional ACPI 
+tables (via the iASL -e option). Without this change, the disassembler 
+can emit multiple externals for the same object, or it become confused 
+when the Scope() operator is used on an external object. Overall, greatly 
+improves the ability to actually recompile the emitted ASL code when 
+objects a referenced across multiple ACPI tables. Reported by Michael 
+Tsirkin (
+Tests/ASLTS: Updated functional control suite to execute with no errors. 
+David Box. Fixed several errors related to the testing of the interpreter 
+slack mode. Lv Zheng.
+iASL: Added support to detect names that are declared within a control 
+method, but are unused (these are temporary names that are only valid 
+during the time the method is executing). A remark is issued for these 
+cases. ACPICA BZ 1022.
+iASL: Added full support for the DBG2 table. Adds full disassembler, 
+table compiler, and template generator support for the DBG2 table (Debug 
+Port 2 table).
+iASL: Added full support for the PCCT table, update the table definition. 
+Updates the PCCT table definition in the actbl3.h header and adds table 
+compiler and template generator support.
+iASL: Added an option to emit only error messages (no warnings/remarks). 
+The -ve option will enable only error messages, warnings and remarks are 
+suppressed. This can simplify debugging when only the errors are 
+important, such as when an ACPI table is disassembled and there are many 
+warnings and remarks -- but only the actual errors are of real interest.
+Example ACPICA code (source/tools/examples): Updated the example code so 
+that it builds to an actual working program, not just example code. Added 
+ACPI tables and execution of an example control method in the DSDT. Added 
+makefile support for Unix generation.
+15 November 2013. Summary of changes for version 20131115:
+This release is available at
+1) ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem:
+Resource Manager: Fixed loop termination for the "get AML length" 
+function. The loop previously had an error termination on a NULL resource 
+pointer, which can never happen since the loop simply increments a valid 
+resource pointer. This fix changes the loop to terminate with an error on 
+an invalid end-of-buffer condition. The problem can be seen as an 
+infinite loop by callers to AcpiSetCurrentResources with an invalid or 
+corrupted resource descriptor, or a resource descriptor that is missing 
+an END_TAG descriptor. Reported by Dan Carpenter 
+<>. Lv Zheng, Bob Moore.
+Table unload and ACPICA termination: Delete all attached data objects 
+during namespace node deletion. This fix updates namespace node deletion 
+to delete the entire list of attached objects (attached via 
+AcpiAttachObject) instead of just one of the attached items. ACPICA BZ 
+1024. Tomasz Nowicki (
+ACPICA termination: Added support to delete all objects attached to the 
+root namespace node. This fix deletes any and all objects that have been 
+attached to the root node via AcpiAttachData. Previously, none of these 
+objects were deleted. Reported by Tomasz Nowicki. ACPICA BZ 1026.
+Debug output: Do not emit the function nesting level for the in-kernel 
+build. The nesting level is really only useful during a single-thread 
+execution. Therefore, only enable this output for the AcpiExec utility. 
+Also, only emit the thread ID when executing under AcpiExec (Context 
+switches are still always detected and a message is emitted). ACPICA BZ 
+Example Code and Data Size: These are the sizes for the OS-independent 
+acpica.lib produced by the Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 32-bit compiler. The 
+debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and 
+has a much larger code and data size.
+  Current Release:
+    Non-Debug Version:  95.9K Code, 27.0K Data, 122.9K Total
+    Debug Version:     185.1K Code, 77.2K Data, 262.3K Total
+  Previous Release:
+    Non-Debug Version:  95.8K Code, 27.0K Data, 122.8K Total
+    Debug Version:     185.2K Code, 77.2K Data, 262.4K Total
+2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:
+AcpiExec/Unix-OSL: Use <termios.h> instead of <termio.h>. This is the 
+correct portable POSIX header for terminal control functions.
+Disassembler: Fixed control method invocation issues related to the use 
+of the CondRefOf() operator. The problem is seen in the disassembly where 
+control method invocations may not be disassembled properly if the 
+control method name has been used previously as an argument to CondRefOf. 
+The solution is to not attempt to emit an external declaration for the 
+CondRefOf target (it is not necessary in the first place). This prevents 
+disassembler object type confusion. ACPICA BZ 988.
+Unix Makefiles: Added an option to disable compiler optimizations and the 
+_FORTIFY_SOURCE flag. Some older compilers have problems compiling ACPICA 
+with optimizations (reportedly, gcc 4.4 for example). This change adds a 
+command line option for make (NOOPT) that disables all compiler 
+optimizations and the _FORTIFY_SOURCE compiler flag. The default 
+optimization is -O2 with the _FORTIFY_SOURCE flag specified. ACPICA BZ 
+1034. Lv Zheng, Bob Moore.
+Tests/ASLTS: Added options to specify individual test cases and modes. 
+This allows testers running to optionally specify individual 
+test modes and test cases. Also added an option to disable the forced 
+generation of the ACPICA tools from source if desired. Lv Zheng.
+27 September 2013. Summary of changes for version 20130927:
+This release is available at
+1) ACPICA kernel-resident subsystem:
+Fixed a problem with store operations to reference objects. This change 
+fixes a problem where a Store operation to an ArgX object that contained 
+reference to a field object did not complete the automatic dereference 
+then write to the actual field object. Instead, the object type of the 
+field object was inadvertently changed to match the type of the source 
+operand. The new behavior will actually write to the field object (buffer 
+field or field unit), thus matching the correct ACPI-defined behavior.
+Implemented support to allow the host to redefine individual OSL 
+prototypes. This change enables the host to redefine OSL prototypes found 
+in the acpiosxf.h file. This allows the host to implement OSL interfaces 
+with a macro or inlined function. Further, it allows the host to add any 
+additional required modifiers such as __iomem, __init, __exit, etc., as 
+necessary on a per-interface basis. Enables maximum flexibility for the 
+OSL interfaces. Lv Zheng.
+Hardcoded the access width for the FADT-defined reset register. The ACPI 
+specification requires the reset register width to be 8 bits. ACPICA now 
+hardcodes the width to 8 and ignores the FADT width value. This provides 
+compatibility with other ACPI implementations that have allowed BIOS code 
+with bad register width values to go unnoticed. Matthew Garett, Bob 
+Lv Zheng.
+Changed the position/use of the ACPI_PRINTF_LIKE macro. This macro is 
+in the OSL header (acpiosxf). The change modifies the position of this 
+macro in each instance where it is used (AcpiDebugPrint, etc.) to avoid 
+build issues if the OSL defines the implementation of the interface to be 
+an inline stub function. Lv Zheng.
+Deployed a new macro ACPI_EXPORT_SYMBOL_INIT for the main ACPICA 
+initialization interfaces. This change adds a new macro for the main init 
+and terminate external interfaces in order to support hosts that require 
+additional or different processing for these functions. Changed from 
+Zheng, Bob Moore.
+Cleaned up the memory allocation macros for configurability. In the 
+case, the ACPI_ALLOCATE and related macros now resolve directly to their 
+respective AcpiOs* OSL interfaces. Two options:
+1) The ACPI_ALLOCATE_ZEROED macro uses a simple local implementation by 
+default, unless overridden by the USE_NATIVE_ALLOCATE_ZEROED define.
+2) For AcpiExec (and for debugging), the macros can optionally be 
+to the local ACPICA interfaces that track each allocation (local tracking 
+is used to immediately detect memory leaks).
+Lv Zheng.
+Simplified the configuration for ACPI_REDUCED_HARDWARE. Allows the kernel 
+to predefine this macro to either TRUE or FALSE during the system build.
+Replaced __FUNCTION_ with __func__ in the gcc-specific header.
+Example Code and Data Size: These are the sizes for the OS-independent 
+acpica.lib produced by the Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 32-bit compiler. The 
+debug version of the code includes the debug output trace mechanism and 
+has a much larger code and data size.
+  Current Release:
+    Non-Debug Version:  95.8K Code, 27.0K Data, 122.8K Total
+    Debug Version:     185.2K Code, 77.2K Data, 262.4K Total
+  Previous Release:
+    Non-Debug Version:  96.7K Code, 27.1K Data, 123.9K Total
+    Debug Version:     184.4K Code, 76.8K Data, 261.2K Total
+2) iASL Compiler/Disassembler and Tools:
+iASL: Implemented wildcard support for the -e option. This simplifies use 
+when there are many SSDTs that must be included to resolve external 
+declarations. ACPICA BZ 1041. Example:
+    iasl -e ssdt*.dat -d dsdt.dat
+AcpiExec: Add history/line-editing for Unix/Linux systems. This change 
+adds a portable module that implements full history and limited line 
+editing for Unix and Linux systems. It does not use readline() due to 
+portability issues. Instead it uses the POSIX termio interface to put the 
+terminal in raw input mode so that the various special keys can be 
+(such as up/down-arrow for history support and left/right-arrow for line 
+editing). Uses the existing debugger history mechanism. ACPICA BZ 1036.
+AcpiXtract: Add support to handle (ignore) "empty" lines containing only 
+one or more spaces. This provides compatible with early or different 
+versions of the AcpiDump utility. ACPICA BZ 1044.

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