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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/riscv/riscv Revamp to the point it builds, but need...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 956911:a10995c82d50
user:      skrll <>
date:      Tue Nov 10 06:58:46 2020 +0000

Revamp to the point it builds, but needs more work


 sys/arch/riscv/riscv/spl.S |  108 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diffs (185 lines):

diff -r 665bcc4995d4 -r a10995c82d50 sys/arch/riscv/riscv/spl.S
--- a/sys/arch/riscv/riscv/spl.S        Tue Nov 10 04:27:22 2020 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/riscv/riscv/spl.S        Tue Nov 10 06:58:46 2020 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: spl.S,v 1.4 2020/11/04 07:09:46 skrll Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: spl.S,v 1.5 2020/11/10 06:58:46 skrll Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 2014 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -32,41 +32,40 @@
 #include <machine/asm.h>
 #include "assym.h"
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: spl.S,v 1.4 2020/11/04 07:09:46 skrll Exp $")
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: spl.S,v 1.5 2020/11/10 06:58:46 skrll Exp $")
+#if notyet
-       .globl  _C_LABEL(ipl_sr_map)
-       .type   _C_LABEL(ipl_sr_map), @object
+       .globl  _C_LABEL(ipl_si_map)
+       .type   _C_LABEL(ipl_si_map), @object
        .p2align INT_SCALESHIFT
-       .word   0                       /* IPL_NONE */
-       .word   0                       /* IPL_SOFTCLOCK */
-       .word   0                       /* IPL_SOFTBIO */
-       .word   0                       /* IPL_SOFTNET */
-       .word   0                       /* IPL_SOFTSERIAL */
-       .word   SR_IM                   /* IPL_VM */
-       .word   SR_IM                   /* IPL_SCHED */
-       .word   SR_IM                   /* IPL_DDB */
-       .word   SR_IM                   /* IPL_HIGH */
+       .word   0                                       /* IPL_NONE */
+       .word   0                                       /* IPL_SOFTCLOCK */
+       .word   0                                       /* IPL_SOFTBIO */
+       .word   0                                       /* IPL_SOFTNET */
+       .word   0                                       /* IPL_SOFTSERIAL */
+       .word   SI_EXTERAL                              /* IPL_VM */
+       .word   SI_EXTERNAL | SI_TIMER                  /* IPL_SCHED */
+       .word   SI_EXTERNAL | SI_SOFTWARE | SI_TIMER    /* IPL_HIGH */
        // a0 = new lower IPL
+       csrci   sstatus, SR_SIE         // disable interrupts
        PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
        INT_L   t0, CI_CPL(a3)          // get current IPL
        beq     a0, t0, 2f
        // a0 = new ipl
-       PTR_LA  t0, ipl_sr_map
-       slli    a1, a0, 2               // make integer index
-       add     t0, t0, a1              // index into table
-       INT_L   t0, (t0)                // get new mask bits to clear
-       li      t2, SR_IM               // get mask bits
-       xor     t0, t0, t2              // invert mask bits
-       csrc    sstatus, t2             // block everything
        INT_S   a0, CI_CPL(a3)          // change IPL
        beqz    t0, 2f
-       csrs    sstatus, t0             // unmask appropriate bits
-2:     INT_L   t4, CI_SOFTINTS(a3)     // get softint mask
+       //call riscv_do_pending_irqs
+       csrsi   sstatus, SR_SIE         // enable interrupts
+       INT_L   t4, CI_SOFTINTS(a3)     // get softint mask
        srl     t4, t4, a0              // see what softints are pending.
        beqz    t4, 3f                  // none, just return
        // there are softints that need to be delivered, so instead of
@@ -74,79 +73,82 @@
        // will do a tailcall back to splx and then we can return (if there
        // are no pending softints).
        tail    _C_LABEL(softint_deliver)
-3:     ret                             // return (or do softints)
+       ret                             // return (or do softints)
 #if IPL_NONE != 0
 #error IPL_NONE is not 0
+       csrci   sstatus, SR_SIE         // disable interrupts
        PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
-       li      t0, SR_IM|SR_EI         // load SR_IM|EI
-       csrci   sstatus, SR_EI          // disable interrupts
        INT_S   zero, CI_CPL(a3)        // set current IPL to IPL_NONE
-       csrs    sstatus, t0             // unmask all & enable interrupts
+       //call riscv_do_pending_irqs
+       csrsi   sstatus, SR_SIE         // enable interrupts
        // spl0() is only called rarely so the overhead of always calling
        // softint_deliver is minimal.
        tail    _C_LABEL(softint_deliver)
+       csrci   sstatus, SR_SIE         // disable interrupts
        PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
-       INT_L   a0, CI_CPL(a3)          // get current IPL
-       li      t1, SR_IM               // load SR_IM
+       INT_L   a0, CI_CPL(a3)          // get current IPL for return value
        li      t0, IPL_HIGH            //
-       csrc    sstatus, t1             // mask all interrupts
        INT_S   t0, CI_CPL(a3)          // set it to IPL_HIGH
+                                       // interrupts remain disabled???
-       li      a0, IPL_SOFTCLOCK
-       PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
-       j       .L_splset
+       li      t0, IPL_SOFTCLOCK
+       j       _splraise
-       li      a0, IPL_SOFTBIO
-       PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
-       j       .L_splset
+       li      t0, IPL_SOFTBIO
+       j       _splraise
-       li      a0, IPL_SOFTNET
-       PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
-       j       .L_splset
+       li      t0, IPL_SOFTNET
+       j       _splraise
-       li      a0, IPL_SOFTSERIAL
-       PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
-       j       .L_splset
+       li      t0, IPL_SOFTSERIAL
+       j       _splraise
-       li      a0, IPL_VM
-       PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
-       j       .L_splset
+       li      t0, IPL_VM
+       j       _splraise
-       li      a0, IPL_SCHED
-       PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
-       j       .L_splset
+       li      t0, IPL_SCHED
+       j       _splraise
-       li      a0, IPL_DDB
-       PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
-       j       .L_splset
+       li      t0, IPL_DDB
+       j       _splraise
+       // a0 = new higher IPL
        mv      t0, a0                  // need a0 for return value
+       csrci   sstatus, SR_SIE         // disable interrupts
        PTR_L   a3, L_CPU(tp)           // get curcpu()
        INT_L   a0, CI_CPL(a3)          // get current IPL
-       bgt     t0, a0, .L_splset       // set if new IPL is higher
+       bge     a0, t0, 2f              // already at same or higher?
+       INT_S   t0, CI_CPL(a3)          // change IPL
+       csrsi   sstatus, SR_SIE         // enable interrupts

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