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[src/trunk]: src/sys/arch/riscv/riscv Improve dump_trapframe output layout an...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 978231:adee2dcca12c
user:      skrll <>
date:      Sat Nov 14 13:05:14 2020 +0000

Improve dump_trapframe output layout and fix printing of s6/s7


 sys/arch/riscv/riscv/trap.c |  42 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diffs (70 lines):

diff -r 653926169beb -r adee2dcca12c sys/arch/riscv/riscv/trap.c
--- a/sys/arch/riscv/riscv/trap.c       Sat Nov 14 12:38:06 2020 +0000
+++ b/sys/arch/riscv/riscv/trap.c       Sat Nov 14 13:05:14 2020 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*     $NetBSD: trap.c,v 1.13 2020/11/04 20:04:01 skrll Exp $  */
+/*     $NetBSD: trap.c,v 1.14 2020/11/14 13:05:14 skrll Exp $  */
  * Copyright (c) 2014 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 #define __PMAP_PRIVATE
-__RCSID("$NetBSD: trap.c,v 1.13 2020/11/04 20:04:01 skrll Exp $");
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: trap.c,v 1.14 2020/11/14 13:05:14 skrll Exp $");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/systm.h>
@@ -167,32 +167,32 @@
            && causenames[tf->tf_cause] != NULL)
                causestr = causenames[tf->tf_cause];
        (*pr)("Trapframe @ %p "
-           "(cause=%d (%s), status=%#x, pc=%#16"PRIxREGISTER
-           ", va=%#"PRIxREGISTER"):\n",
+           "(cause=%d (%s), status=%#x, pc=%#18" PRIxREGISTER
+           ", va=%#" PRIxREGISTER "):\n",
            tf, tf->tf_cause, causestr, tf->tf_sr, tf->tf_pc, tf->tf_tval);
-       (*pr)("ra=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", sp=%#16"PRIxREGISTER
-           ", gp=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", tp=%#16"PRIxREGISTER"\n",
+       (*pr)("ra =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", sp =%#18" PRIxREGISTER
+           ", gp =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", tp =%#18" PRIxREGISTER "\n",
            tf->tf_ra, tf->tf_sp, tf->tf_gp, tf->tf_tp);
-       (*pr)("s0=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", s1=%#16"PRIxREGISTER
-           ", s2=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", s3=%#16"PRIxREGISTER"\n",
+       (*pr)("s0 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", s1 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER
+           ", s2 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", s3 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER "\n",
            tf->tf_s0, tf->tf_s1, tf->tf_s2, tf->tf_s3);
-       (*pr)("s4=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", s5=%#16"PRIxREGISTER
-           ", s5=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", s3=%#16"PRIxREGISTER"\n",
-           tf->tf_s4, tf->tf_s5, tf->tf_s2, tf->tf_s3);
-       (*pr)("s8=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", s9=%#16"PRIxREGISTER
-           ", s10=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", s11=%#16"PRIxREGISTER"\n",
+       (*pr)("s4 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", s5 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER
+           ", s6 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", s7 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER "\n",
+           tf->tf_s4, tf->tf_s5, tf->tf_s6, tf->tf_s7);
+       (*pr)("s8 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", s9 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER
+           ", s10=%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", s11=%#18" PRIxREGISTER "\n",
            tf->tf_s8, tf->tf_s9, tf->tf_s10, tf->tf_s11);
-       (*pr)("a0=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", a1=%#16"PRIxREGISTER
-           ", a2=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", a3=%#16"PRIxREGISTER"\n",
+       (*pr)("a0 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", a1 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER
+           ", a2 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", a3 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER "\n",
            tf->tf_a0, tf->tf_a1, tf->tf_a2, tf->tf_a3);
-       (*pr)("a4=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", a5=%#16"PRIxREGISTER
-           ", a5=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", a7=%#16"PRIxREGISTER"\n",
+       (*pr)("a4 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", a5 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER
+           ", a5 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", a7 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER "\n",
            tf->tf_a4, tf->tf_a5, tf->tf_a6, tf->tf_a7);
-       (*pr)("t0=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", t1=%#16"PRIxREGISTER
-           ", t2=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", t3=%#16"PRIxREGISTER"\n",
+       (*pr)("t0 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", t1 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER
+           ", t2 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", t3 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER "\n",
            tf->tf_t0, tf->tf_t1, tf->tf_t2, tf->tf_t3);
-       (*pr)("t4=%#16"PRIxREGISTER", t5=%#16"PRIxREGISTER
-           ", t6=%#16"PRIxREGISTER"\n",
+       (*pr)("t4 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER ", t5 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER
+           ", t6 =%#18" PRIxREGISTER "\n",
            tf->tf_t4, tf->tf_t5, tf->tf_t6);

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