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[src/trunk]: src/etc regen

branches:  trunk
changeset: 995732:d9663cc9a624
user:      christos <>
date:      Thu Jan 03 17:30:06 2019 +0000



 etc/protocols |     29 +-
 etc/services  |  17316 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 2 files changed, 7817 insertions(+), 9528 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 23913 to 300 lines):

diff -r 224780f5fd2c -r d9663cc9a624 etc/protocols
--- a/etc/protocols     Thu Jan 03 15:49:09 2019 +0000
+++ b/etc/protocols     Thu Jan 03 17:30:06 2019 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: protocols,v 1.29 2017/01/16 09:39:26 hauke Exp $
-# See also: protocols(5)
+# $NetBSD: protocols,v 1.30 2019/01/03 17:30:06 christos Exp $
+# See also: protocols(5),
 #    Last Updated
-#            2015-10-06
+#            2017-10-13
 #    Available Formats
 #            [IMG]
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 #    Registry included below
-#      * Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers
+#      * Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers
 # Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers
@@ -27,14 +27,15 @@
 #  In the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) [RFC791] there is a field
 #  called "Protocol" to identify the next level protocol.  This is an 8
-#  bit field.  In Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) [RFC2460], this field
-#  is called the "Next Header" field.
+#  bit field.  In Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
+#  [RFC8200], this field is called the "Next Header" field.
 #    Note
 #  Values that are also IPv6 Extension Header Types should be listed in the
 #  IPv6 Extension Header Types registry at [IANA registry ipv6-parameters].
 #    Available Formats
 #            [IMG]
 #            CSV
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
 #    Decimal      Keyword                 Protocol           IPv6 Extension                                 Reference
 #                                                                Header
 # protocol   num aliases      # comments
-hopopt         0 HOPOPT       # IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option             Y        [RFC2460]
+hopopt         0 HOPOPT       # IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option             Y        [RFC8200]
 icmp           1 ICMP         # Internet Control Message                    [RFC792]
 igmp           2 IGMP         # Internet Group Management                   [RFC1112]
 ggp            3 GGP          # Gateway-to-Gateway                          [RFC823]
@@ -130,9 +131,9 @@
 tlsp          56 TLSP         # Protocol using Kryptonet key                [Christer_Oberg]
 #                               management
 skip          57 SKIP         # SKIP                                        [Tom_Markson]
-ipv6-icmp     58 IPv6-ICMP    # ICMP for IPv6                               [RFC2460]
-ipv6-nonxt    59 IPv6-NoNxt   # No Next Header for IPv6                     [RFC2460]
-ipv6-opts     60 IPv6-Opts    # Destination Options for IPv6       Y        [RFC2460]
+ipv6-icmp     58 IPv6-ICMP    # ICMP for IPv6                               [RFC8200]
+ipv6-nonxt    59 IPv6-NoNxt   # No Next Header for IPv6                     [RFC8200]
+ipv6-opts     60 IPv6-Opts    # Destination Options for IPv6       Y        [RFC8200]
 #      61                       any host internal protocol                  [Internet_Assigned_Numbers_Authority]
 cftp          62 CFTP         # CFTP                                        [Forsdick, H., "CFTP", Network Message, Bolt Beranek and Newman, January
 #                                                                           1982.][Harry_Forsdick]
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@
 vmtp          81 VMTP         # VMTP                                        [Dave_Cheriton]
 secure-vmtp   82 SECURE-VMTP  # SECURE-VMTP                                 [Dave_Cheriton]
 vines         83 VINES        # VINES                                       [Brian Horn]
-ttp           84 TTP iptm IPTM         # Transaction Transport                       [Jim_Stevens]
+ttp           84 TTP iptm IPTM # Transaction Transport                       [Jim_Stevens]
 #                               Protocol
 #iptm          84 IPTM         # Internet Protocol Traffic                   [Jim_Stevens]
 #                               Manager
@@ -168,8 +169,7 @@
 dgp           86 DGP          # Dissimilar Gateway Protocol                 [M/A-COM Government Systems, "Dissimilar Gateway Protocol Specification,
 #                                                                           Draft Version", Contract no. CS901145, November 16, 1987.][Mike_Little]
 tcf           87 TCF          # TCF                                         [Guillermo_A_Loyola]
-eigrp         88 EIGRP        # EIGRP                                       [Cisco Systems, "Gateway Server Reference Manual", Manual Revision B,
-#                                                                           January 10, 1988.][Guenther_Schreiner]
+eigrp         88 EIGRP        # EIGRP                                       [RFC7868]
 ospfigp       89 OSPFIGP      # OSPFIGP                                     [RFC1583][RFC2328][RFC5340][John_Moy]
 #                                                                           [Welch, B., "The Sprite Remote Procedure Call System", Technical Report,
 sprite-rpc    90 Sprite-RPC   # Sprite RPC Protocol                         UCB/Computer Science Dept., 86/302, University of California at Berkeley,
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
 ifmp         101 IFMP         # Ipsilon Flow Management                     [Bob_Hinden][November 1995, 1997.]
 #                               Protocol
 pnni         102 PNNI         # PNNI over IP                                [Ross_Callon]
-pim          103 PIM          # Protocol Independent                        [RFC-ietf-pim-rfc4601bis-06][Dino_Farinacci]
+pim          103 PIM          # Protocol Independent                        [RFC7761][Dino_Farinacci]
 #                               Multicast
 aris         104 ARIS         # ARIS                                        [Nancy_Feldman]
 scps         105 SCPS         # SCPS                                        [Robert_Durst]
@@ -276,7 +276,6 @@
 #    [Dirk_Fromhein]                       Dirk Fromhein                       mailto:df&
 #    [Gene_Tsudik]                         Gene Tsudik                         mailto:tsudik&
 #    [Greg_Chesson]                        Greg Chesson                        mailto:Greg&
-#    [Guenther_Schreiner]                  Guenther Schreiner                  mailto:snmp-admin&
 #    [Guillermo_A_Loyola]                  Guillermo A. Loyola                 mailto:LOYOLA&
 #    [Hans_Werner_Braun]                   Hans-Werner Braun                   mailto:HWB&
 #    [Harry_Forsdick]                      Harry Forsdick                      mailto:Forsdick&
diff -r 224780f5fd2c -r d9663cc9a624 etc/services
--- a/etc/services      Thu Jan 03 15:49:09 2019 +0000
+++ b/etc/services      Thu Jan 03 17:30:06 2019 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# $NetBSD: services,v 1.99 2015/11/14 16:25:48 christos Exp $
+# $NetBSD: services,v 1.100 2019/01/03 17:30:06 christos Exp $
 # See also: services(5),
 #  Last Updated
-#          2015-11-13
+#          2018-12-19
 #  Expert(s)
 #TCP/UDP: Joe Touch; Eliot Lear, Allison Mankin, Markku Kojo, Kumiko Ono, Martin Stiemerling,
-#Lars Eggert, Alexey Melnikov, Wes Eddy, and Alexander Zimmermann
+#Lars Eggert, Alexey Melnikov, Wes Eddy, Alexander Zimmermann, Brian Trammell, and Jana Iyengar
 #SCTP: Allison Mankin and Michael Tuexen
 #DCCP: Eddie Kohler and Yoshifumi Nishida
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
 #Port numbers are assigned in various ways, based on three ranges: System
 #Ports (0-1023), User Ports (1024-49151), and the Dynamic and/or Private
 #Ports (49152-65535); the difference uses of these ranges is described in
-#[RFC6335]. System Ports are assigned by IETF
-#process for standards-track protocols, as per [RFC6335].  User Ports
-#are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process, the "IESG
-#Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per
-#[RFC6335].  Dynamic Ports are not assigned.
+#[RFC6335]. According to Section 8.1.2 of [RFC6335], System Ports are
+#assigned by the "IETF Review" or "IESG Approval" procedures described in
+#[RFC8126]. User Ports are assigned by IANA using the "IETF Review" process,
+#the "IESG Approval" process, or the "Expert Review" process, as per
+#[RFC6335]. Dynamic Ports are not assigned.
 #The registration procedures for service names and port numbers are
 #described in [RFC6335].
@@ -58,9 +58,8 @@
 #          HTML [IMG]
 #          Plain text
-#                           Transport                                                                                                                                              Registration 
Modification                                   Service      Known
-#Service Name   Port Number Protocol          Description                                Assignee                                                 Contact                              Date         
Date                Reference                Code    Unauthorized                       Assignment Notes
+#Service Name   Port Number Transport         Description                                Assignee                                                 Contact                          Registration 
Modification                  Reference                    Service   Unauthorized                       Assignment Notes
+#                           Protocol                                                                                                                                                   Date         
Date                                                     Code    Use Reported
 #                    0         tcp    Reserved                     [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 #                    0         udp    Reserved                     [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 tcpmux               1/tcp    # TCP Port Service Multiplexer [Mark_Lottor]                                         [Mark_Lottor]
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@
 discard              9/tcp    # Discard                      [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 discard              9/udp    # Discard                      [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 discard              9/sctp    # Discard                      [Randall_Stewart]                                     [Randall_Stewart]                                                                  
-discard              9/dccp    # Discard                      [Eddie_Kohler]                                        [Eddie_Kohler]                                                                     
 [RFC4340]                        1145656131
+discard              9/dccp    # Discard                      [Eddie_Kohler]                                        [Eddie_Kohler]                                                                     
 [RFC4340]                                    1145656131
 #                   10         tcp    Unassigned
 #                   10         udp    Unassigned
 systat              11/tcp    # Active Users                 [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
@@ -102,28 +101,25 @@
 msp                 18/tcp    # Message Send Protocol        [Rina_Nethaniel]                                      [Rina_Nethaniel]
 #                                     (historic)
 msp                 18/udp    # Message Send Protocol        [Rina_Nethaniel]                                      [Rina_Nethaniel]
-#                                     (historic)
 chargen             19/tcp    # Character Generator
 chargen             19/udp    # Character Generator
 ftp-data            20/tcp    # File Transfer [Default Data] [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 ftp-data            20/udp    # File Transfer [Default Data] [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 ftp-data            20/sctp    # FTP                          [Randall_Stewart]                                     [Randall_Stewart]                                                                  
-ftp                 21/tcp    # File Transfer Protocol       [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]                                                                        
[RFC959]                                                 Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path>
-#                                     [Control]
-ftp                 21/udp    # File Transfer Protocol       [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]                                                                        
[RFC959]                                                 Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path>
+ftp                 21/tcp    # File Transfer Protocol       [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]                                                                        
[RFC959]                                                             Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path>
 #                                     [Control]
-ftp                 21/sctp    # FTP                          [Randall_Stewart]                                     [Randall_Stewart]                                                                  
 [RFC4960]                                                Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path>
-ssh                 22/tcp    # The Secure Shell (SSH)                                                                                                                                                 
[RFC4251]                                                Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
+ftp                 21/udp    # File Transfer Protocol       [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]                                                                        
[RFC959]                                                             Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path>
+ftp                 21/sctp    # FTP                          [Randall_Stewart]                                     [Randall_Stewart]                                                                  
 [RFC4960]                                                            Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password> path=<path>
+ssh                 22/tcp    # The Secure Shell (SSH)                                                                                                                                                 
[RFC4251]                                                            Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
 #                                     Protocol
-ssh                 22/udp    # The Secure Shell (SSH)                                                                                                                                                 
[RFC4251]                                                Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
-#                                     Protocol
-ssh                 22/sctp    # SSH                          [Randall_Stewart]                                     [Randall_Stewart]                                                                  
 [RFC4960]                                                Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
-telnet              23/tcp    # Telnet                       [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]                                                                        
[RFC854]                                                 Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
-telnet              23/udp    # Telnet                       [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]                                                                        
[RFC854]                                                 Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
+ssh                 22/udp    # The Secure Shell (SSH)                                                                                                                                                 
[RFC4251]                                                            Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
+ssh                 22/sctp    # SSH                          [Randall_Stewart]                                     [Randall_Stewart]                                                                  
 [RFC4960]                                                            Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
+telnet              23/tcp    # Telnet                       [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]                                                                        
[RFC854]                                                             Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
+telnet              23/udp    # Telnet                       [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]                                                                        
[RFC854]                                                             Defined TXT keys: u=<username> p=<password>
 #                   24         tcp    any private mail system      [Rick_Adams]                                          [Rick_Adams]
 #                   24         udp    any private mail system      [Rick_Adams]                                          [Rick_Adams]
-smtp                25/tcp    # Simple Mail Transfer         [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
-smtp                25/udp    # Simple Mail Transfer         [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
+smtp                25/tcp    # Simple Mail Transfer         [IESG]                                                [IETF_Chair]                                                           2017-06-05   
+smtp                25/udp    # Simple Mail Transfer         [IESG]                                                [IETF_Chair]                                                           2017-06-05   
 #                   26         tcp    Unassigned
 #                   26         udp    Unassigned
 nsw-fe              27/tcp    # NSW User System FE           [Robert_Thomas]                                       [Robert_Thomas]
@@ -167,20 +163,17 @@
 mpm                 45/tcp    # Message Processing Module
 #                                     [recv]
 mpm                 45/udp    # Message Processing Module
-#                                     [recv]
 mpm-snd             46/tcp    # MPM [default send]           [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 mpm-snd             46/udp    # MPM [default send]           [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
-ni-ftp              47/tcp    # NI FTP                       [Steve_Kille]                                         [Steve_Kille]
-ni-ftp              47/udp    # NI FTP                       [Steve_Kille]                                         [Steve_Kille]
+#                   47         tcp    Reserved                                                                                                                                                  
2017-05-18                                                                        This entry has been removed on 2017-05-18.
+#                   47         udp    Reserved                                                                                                                                                  
2017-05-18                                                                        This entry has been removed on 2017-05-18.
 auditd              48/tcp    # Digital Audit Daemon         [Larry_Scott]                                         [Larry_Scott]
 auditd              48/udp    # Digital Audit Daemon         [Larry_Scott]                                         [Larry_Scott]
 tacacs              49/tcp    # Login Host Protocol (TACACS) [Pieter_Ditmars]                                      [Pieter_Ditmars]
 tacacs              49/udp    # Login Host Protocol (TACACS) [Pieter_Ditmars]                                      [Pieter_Ditmars]
 re-mail-ck          50/tcp    # Remote Mail Checking         [Steve_Dorner]                                        [Steve_Dorner]
-#                                     Protocol
 re-mail-ck          50/udp    # Remote Mail Checking         [Steve_Dorner]                                        [Steve_Dorner]
-#                                     Protocol
-#                   51                Reserved                                                                                                                                                  
2013-05-24                                                            This entry is being removed on 2013-05-24.
+#                   51                Reserved                                                                                                                                                  
2013-05-24                                                                        This entry is being removed on 2013-05-24.
 xns-time            52/tcp    # XNS Time Protocol            [Susie_Armstrong]                                     [Susie_Armstrong]
 xns-time            52/udp    # XNS Time Protocol            [Susie_Armstrong]                                     [Susie_Armstrong]
 domain              53/tcp    # Domain Name Server           [Paul_Mockapetris]                                    [Paul_Mockapetris]
@@ -199,8 +192,8 @@
 #                   59         udp    any private file service     [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 #                   60         tcp    Unassigned
 #                   60         udp    Unassigned
-ni-mail             61/tcp    # NI MAIL                      [Steve_Kille]                                         [Steve_Kille]
-ni-mail             61/udp    # NI MAIL                      [Steve_Kille]                                         [Steve_Kille]
+#                   61         tcp    Reserved                                                                                                                                                  
2017-05-18                                                                        This entry has been removed on 2017-05-18.
+#                   61         udp    Reserved                                                                                                                                                  
2017-05-18                                                                        This entry has been removed on 2017-05-18.
 acas                62/tcp    # ACA Services                 [E_Wald]                                              [E_Wald]
 acas                62/udp    # ACA Services                 [E_Wald]                                              [E_Wald]
 #                                     whois++
@@ -208,40 +201,27 @@
 whoispp             63/tcp    # IANA assigned this           [Rickard_Schoultz]                                    [Rickard_Schoultz]
 #                                     well-formed service name as
 #                                     a replacement for "whois++".
                                                               This entry is an alias to "whoispp". This entry is now
-whois++             63/tcp    # whois++                      [Rickard_Schoultz]                                    [Rickard_Schoultz]                                                                  
                                                         historic, not usable for use with many common service
                                                               discovery mechanisms.
-#                                     whois++
                                                                           This entry is an alias to "whoispp". This entry is now
+whois++             63/tcp    # whois++                      [Rickard_Schoultz]                                    [Rickard_Schoultz]                                                                  
                                                                     historic, not usable for use with many common service
                                                                           discovery mechanisms.
 whoispp             63/udp    # IANA assigned this           [Rickard_Schoultz]                                    [Rickard_Schoultz]
-#                                     well-formed service name as
-#                                     a replacement for "whois++".
                                                               This entry is an alias to "whoispp". This entry is now
-whois++             63/udp    # whois++                      [Rickard_Schoultz]                                    [Rickard_Schoultz]                                                                  
                                                         historic, not usable for use with many common service
                                                               discovery mechanisms.
+whois++             63/udp    # whois++                      [Rickard_Schoultz]                                    [Rickard_Schoultz]                                                                  
                                                                     historic, not usable for use with many common service
 covia               64/tcp    # Communications Integrator    [Dan_Smith]                                           [Dan_Smith]
 #                                     (CI)
 covia               64/udp    # Communications Integrator    [Dan_Smith]                                           [Dan_Smith]
-#                                     (CI)
 tacacs-ds           65/tcp    # TACACS-Database Service      [Kathy_Huber]                                         [Kathy_Huber]
 tacacs-ds           65/udp    # TACACS-Database Service      [Kathy_Huber]                                         [Kathy_Huber]
 #                                     Oracle SQL*NET
 sql-net             66/tcp    # IANA assigned this           [Jack_Haverty]                                        [Jack_Haverty]
-#                                     well-formed service name as
 #                                     a replacement for "sql*net".
                                                               This entry is an alias to "sql-net". This entry is now
-sql*net             66/tcp    # Oracle SQL*NET               [Jack_Haverty]                                        [Jack_Haverty]                                                                      
                                                         historic, not usable for use with many common service
                                                               discovery mechanisms.
-#                                     Oracle SQL*NET
                                                                           This entry is an alias to "sql-net". This entry is now
+sql*net             66/tcp    # Oracle SQL*NET               [Jack_Haverty]                                        [Jack_Haverty]                                                                      
                                                                     historic, not usable for use with many common service
 sql-net             66/udp    # IANA assigned this           [Jack_Haverty]                                        [Jack_Haverty]
-#                                     well-formed service name as
-#                                     a replacement for "sql*net".
                                                               This entry is an alias to "sql-net". This entry is now
-sql*net             66/udp    # Oracle SQL*NET               [Jack_Haverty]                                        [Jack_Haverty]                                                                      
                                                         historic, not usable for use with many common service
                                                               discovery mechanisms.
-bootps              67/tcp    # Bootstrap Protocol Server    [Bill_Croft]                                          [Bill_Croft]                                                                        
[RFC951]                                                 Defined TXT keys: None
+sql*net             66/udp    # Oracle SQL*NET               [Jack_Haverty]                                        [Jack_Haverty]                                                                      
                                                                     historic, not usable for use with many common service
+bootps              67/tcp    # Bootstrap Protocol Server    [Bill_Croft]                                          [Bill_Croft]                                                                        
[RFC951]                                                             Defined TXT keys: None
 bootps              67/udp    # Bootstrap Protocol Server
 bootpc              68/tcp    # Bootstrap Protocol Client    [Bill_Croft]                                          [Bill_Croft]
 bootpc              68/udp    # Bootstrap Protocol Client    [Bill_Croft]                                          [Bill_Croft]
@@ -262,81 +242,49 @@
 deos                76/tcp    # Distributed External Object  [Robert_Ullmann]                                      [Robert_Ullmann]
 #                                     Store
 deos                76/udp    # Distributed External Object  [Robert_Ullmann]                                      [Robert_Ullmann]
-#                                     Store
 #                   77         tcp    any private RJE service      [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 #                   77         udp    any private RJE service      [Jon_Postel]                                          [Jon_Postel]
 vettcp              78/tcp    # vettcp                       [Christopher_Leong]                                   [Christopher_Leong]
 vettcp              78/udp    # vettcp                       [Christopher_Leong]                                   [Christopher_Leong]
                                                  use by some
-finger              79/tcp    # Finger                       [David_Zimmerman]                                     [David_Zimmerman]                                                                   
                                            mail users
                                                  for details)
                                                  use by some
-finger              79/udp    # Finger                       [David_Zimmerman]                                     [David_Zimmerman]                                                                   
                                            mail users

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