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[src/trunk]: src/share/misc Sync with FreeBSD r359561

branches:  trunk
changeset: 1008744:9f51d6a8c514
user:      sevan <>
date:      Thu Apr 02 11:09:24 2020 +0000

Sync with FreeBSD r359561


 share/misc/bsd-family-tree |  33 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diffs (54 lines):

diff -r 8adb14632e9b -r 9f51d6a8c514 share/misc/bsd-family-tree
--- a/share/misc/bsd-family-tree        Thu Apr 02 08:38:22 2020 +0000
+++ b/share/misc/bsd-family-tree        Thu Apr 02 11:09:24 2020 +0000
@@ -398,19 +398,21 @@
  |     |      |       |      |   |                |                    |
  |     |      |       |      |  NetBSD            |                    |
  |     |      |       |      |   8.1              |            DragonFly 5.6
- |     |      |       |      |                    |                    |
- |     |      |       |      |                    |            DragonFly 5.6.1
- |     |   FreeBSD  macOS    |                    |                    |
- |     |     11.3   10.15    |                    |                    |
- |  FreeBSD           |      |                OpenBSD 6.6              |
- |   12.1           macOS    |                    |                    |
- |     |           10.15.1   |                    |            DragonFly 5.6.2
- |     |              |      *--NetBSD            |                    |
- |     v              |      |   9.0              |                    |
- |                    |      |                    |                    |
- |                    |      |                    |            DragonFly 5.8
- |                    |      |                    |                    |
- |                    |      |                    |            DragonFly 5.6.3
+ |     |      |       |      |   |                |                    |
+ |     |      |       |      |   |                |            DragonFly 5.6.1
+ |     |   FreeBSD  macOS    |   |                |                    |
+ |     |     11.3   10.15    |   |                |                    |
+ |  FreeBSD           |      |   |            OpenBSD 6.6              |
+ |   12.1           macOS    |   `-------.        |                    |
+ |     |           10.15.1   |           |        |            DragonFly 5.6.2
+ |     |              |      *--NetBSD   |        |                    |
+ |     v              |      |   9.0     |        |                    |
+ |                    |      |           |        |                    |
+ |                    |      |           |        |            DragonFly 5.8
+ |                    |      |           |        |                    |
+ |                    |      |           |        |            DragonFly 5.6.3
+ |                    |      |        NetBSD      |                    |
+ |                    |      |         8.2        |                    |
  |                    |      |                    |                    |
 FreeBSD 13 -current   |  NetBSD -current   OpenBSD -current    DragonFly -current
  |                    |      |                    |                    |
@@ -806,6 +808,7 @@
 NetBSD 9.0             2020-02-14 [NBD]
 DragonFly 5.8          2020-03-03 [DFB]
 DragonFly 5.6.3        2020-03-11 [DFB]
+NetBSD 8.2             2020-03-31 [NBD]
@@ -870,5 +873,5 @@
 Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Wolfram Schneider <wosch%FreeBSD.ORG@localhost>
-$FreeBSD: head/share/misc/bsd-family-tree 359157 2020-03-20 03:15:23Z sevan $
-$NetBSD: bsd-family-tree,v 1.80 2020/03/20 03:19:43 sevan Exp $
+$FreeBSD: head/share/misc/bsd-family-tree 359561 2020-04-02 11:08:19Z sevan $
+$NetBSD: bsd-family-tree,v 1.81 2020/04/02 11:09:24 sevan Exp $

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