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[src/trunk]: src/crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist Changes between 1.1.1e and ...

branches:  trunk
changeset: 1008923:54045c603097
user:      christos <>
date:      Sun Apr 05 21:50:44 2020 +0000

Changes between 1.1.1e and 1.1.1f [31 Mar 2020]

  *) Revert the change of EOF detection while reading in libssl to avoid
     regressions in applications depending on the current way of reporting
     the EOF. As the existing method is not fully accurate the change to
     reporting the EOF via SSL_ERROR_SSL is kept on the current development
     branch and will be present in the 3.0 release.
     [Tomas Mraz]

  *) Revised BN_generate_prime_ex to not avoid factors 3..17863 in p-1
     when primes for RSA keys are computed.
     Since we previously always generated primes == 2 (mod 3) for RSA keys,
     the 2-prime and 3-prime RSA modules were easy to distinguish, since
     N = p*q = 1 (mod 3), but N = p*q*r = 2 (mod 3). Therefore fingerprinting
     2-prime vs. 3-prime RSA keys was possible by computing N mod 3.
     This avoids possible fingerprinting of newly generated RSA modules.
     [Bernd Edlinger]


 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl     |  200 ++++----
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/apps/rehash.c                         |   14 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/bn/bn_local.h                  |    5 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/bn/bn_prime.c                  |  207 +++------
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/conf/conf_lib.c                |    8 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/err/openssl.txt                |    1 -
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/pkcs12/p12_crt.c               |    5 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/ts/ts_rsp_sign.c               |    5 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/ts/ts_rsp_verify.c             |   10 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/x509/x509_cmp.c                |    9 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/x509/x509_trs.c                |    7 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/x509/x_all.c                   |    8 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/x509/x_crl.c                   |   37 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/crypto/x509v3/v3_purp.c               |   97 +++-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/doc/man3/BN_generate_prime.pod        |   10 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/doc/man3/SSL_get_error.pod            |   14 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/doc/man3/X509_get_extension_flags.pod |   13 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/include/openssl/opensslv.h            |    6 +-
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/include/openssl/sslerr.h              |    1 -
 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c             |    6 -
 20 files changed, 335 insertions(+), 328 deletions(-)

diffs (truncated from 1411 to 300 lines):

diff -r 2316b7622cd1 -r 54045c603097 crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl
--- a/crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl        Sun Apr 05 21:03:08 2020 +0000
+++ b/crypto/external/bsd/openssl/dist/Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl        Sun Apr 05 21:50:44 2020 +0000
@@ -547,78 +547,78 @@
 install_docs: install_man_docs install_html_docs
 uninstall_docs: uninstall_man_docs uninstall_html_docs
-       $(RM) -r $(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)
+       $(RM) -r "$(DESTDIR)$(DOCDIR)"
-       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/certs
-       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/private
-       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc
+       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/certs"
+       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/private"
+       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc"
        @set -e; for x in dummy $(MISC_SCRIPTS); do \
                if [ "$$x" = "dummy" ]; then continue; fi; \
                x1=`echo "$$x" | cut -f1 -d:`; \
                x2=`echo "$$x" | cut -f2 -d:`; \
                fn=`basename $$x1`; \
                $(ECHO) "install $$x1 -> $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$fn"; \
-               cp $$x1 $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$; \
-               chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$; \
-               mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$ \
-                     $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$fn; \
+               cp $$x1 "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$"; \
+               chmod 755 "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$"; \
+               mv -f "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$" \
+                     "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$fn"; \
                if [ "$$x1" != "$$x2" ]; then \
                        ln=`basename "$$x2"`; \
                        : {- output_off() unless windowsdll(); "" -}; \
                        $(ECHO) "copy $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$ln -> $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$fn"; \
-                       cp $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$fn $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$ln; \
+                       cp "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$fn" "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$ln"; \
                        : {- output_on() unless windowsdll();
                             output_off() if windowsdll(); "" -}; \
                        $(ECHO) "link $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$ln -> $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$fn"; \
-                       ln -sf $$fn $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$ln; \
+                       ln -sf $$fn "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/misc/$$ln"; \
                        : {- output_on() if windowsdll(); "" -}; \
                fi; \
        @$(ECHO) "install $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl.cnf -> $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/openssl.cnf.dist"
-       @cp $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl.cnf $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/
-       @chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/
-       @mv -f  $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/openssl.cnf.dist
+       @cp $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl.cnf "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/"
+       @chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/"
+       @mv -f "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/" "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/openssl.cnf.dist"
        @if [ ! -f "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/openssl.cnf" ]; then \
                $(ECHO) "install $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl.cnf -> $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/openssl.cnf"; \
-               cp $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl.cnf $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/openssl.cnf; \
-               chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/openssl.cnf; \
+               cp $(SRCDIR)/apps/openssl.cnf "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/openssl.cnf"; \
+               chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/openssl.cnf"; \
        @$(ECHO) "install $(SRCDIR)/apps/ct_log_list.cnf -> $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ct_log_list.cnf.dist"
-       @cp $(SRCDIR)/apps/ct_log_list.cnf $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/
-       @chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/
-       @mv -f  $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ct_log_list.cnf.dist
+       @cp $(SRCDIR)/apps/ct_log_list.cnf "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/"
+       @chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/"
+       @mv -f "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/" "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ct_log_list.cnf.dist"
        @if [ ! -f "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ct_log_list.cnf" ]; then \
                $(ECHO) "install $(SRCDIR)/apps/ct_log_list.cnf -> $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ct_log_list.cnf"; \
-               cp $(SRCDIR)/apps/ct_log_list.cnf $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ct_log_list.cnf; \
-               chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ct_log_list.cnf; \
+               cp $(SRCDIR)/apps/ct_log_list.cnf "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ct_log_list.cnf"; \
+               chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(OPENSSLDIR)/ct_log_list.cnf"; \
 install_dev: install_runtime_libs
        @[ -n "$(INSTALLTOP)" ] || (echo INSTALLTOP should not be empty; exit 1)
        @$(ECHO) "*** Installing development files"
-       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl
+       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl"
        @ : {- output_off() unless grep { $_ eq "OPENSSL_USE_APPLINK" } (@{$target{defines}}, @{$config{defines}}); "" -}
        @$(ECHO) "install $(SRCDIR)/ms/applink.c -> $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/applink.c"
-       @cp $(SRCDIR)/ms/applink.c $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/applink.c
-       @chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/applink.c
+       @cp $(SRCDIR)/ms/applink.c "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/applink.c"
+       @chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/applink.c"
        @ : {- output_on() unless grep { $_ eq "OPENSSL_USE_APPLINK" } (@{$target{defines}}, @{$config{defines}}); "" -}
        @set -e; for i in $(SRCDIR)/include/openssl/*.h \
                          $(BLDDIR)/include/openssl/*.h; do \
                fn=`basename $$i`; \
                $(ECHO) "install $$i -> $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/$$fn"; \
-               cp $$i $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/$$fn; \
-               chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/$$fn; \
+               cp $$i "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/$$fn"; \
+               chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/$$fn"; \
-       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
+       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)"
        @set -e; for l in $(INSTALL_LIBS); do \
                fn=`basename $$l`; \
                $(ECHO) "install $$l -> $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn"; \
-               cp $$l $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$; \
-               $(RANLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$; \
-               chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$; \
-               mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$ \
-                     $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn; \
+               cp $$l "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$"; \
+               $(RANLIB) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$"; \
+               chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$"; \
+               mv -f "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$" \
+                     "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn"; \
        @ : {- output_off() if $disabled{shared}; "" -}
        @set -e; for s in $(INSTALL_SHLIB_INFO); do \
@@ -629,61 +629,61 @@
                : {- output_off(); output_on() unless windowsdll() or sharedaix(); "" -}; \
                if [ "$$fn1" != "$$fn2" ]; then \
                        $(ECHO) "link $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2 -> $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn1"; \
-                       ln -sf $$fn1 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2; \
+                       ln -sf $$fn1 "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2"; \
                fi; \
                : {- output_off() unless windowsdll() or sharedaix(); output_on() if windowsdll(); "" -}; \
                $(ECHO) "install $$s2 -> $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2"; \
-               cp $$s2 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$; \
-               chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$; \
-               mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$ \
-                     $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2; \
+               cp $$s2 "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$"; \
+               chmod 755 "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$"; \
+               mv -f "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$" \
+                     "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2"; \
                : {- output_off() if windowsdll(); output_on() if sharedaix(); "" -}; \
-               a=$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2; \
+               a="$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2"; \
                $(ECHO) "install $$s1 -> $$a"; \
-               if [ -f $$a ]; then ( trap "rm -rf /tmp/ar.$$$$" INT 0; \
+               if [ -f "$$a" ]; then ( trap "rm -rf /tmp/ar.$$$$" INT 0; \
                        mkdir /tmp/ar.$$$$; ( cd /tmp/ar.$$$$; \
-                       cp -f $$a $$; \
-                       for so in `$(AR) t $$a`; do \
-                               $(AR) x $$a $$so; \
-                               chmod u+w $$so; \
-                               strip -X32_64 -e $$so; \
-                               $(AR) r $$ $$so; \
+                       cp -f "$$a" "$$"; \
+                       for so in `$(AR) t "$$a"`; do \
+                               $(AR) x "$$a" "$$so"; \
+                               chmod u+w "$$so"; \
+                               strip -X32_64 -e "$$so"; \
+                               $(AR) r "$$" "$$so"; \
                        done; \
                )); fi; \
-               $(AR) r $$ $$s1; \
-               mv -f $$ $$a; \
+               $(AR) r "$$" "$$s1"; \
+               mv -f "$$" "$$a"; \
                : {- output_off() if sharedaix(); output_on(); "" -}; \
        @ : {- output_on() if $disabled{shared}; "" -}
-       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig
+       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig"
        @$(ECHO) "install libcrypto.pc -> $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libcrypto.pc"
-       @cp libcrypto.pc $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig
-       @chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libcrypto.pc
+       @cp libcrypto.pc "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig"
+       @chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libcrypto.pc"
        @$(ECHO) "install libssl.pc -> $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libssl.pc"
-       @cp libssl.pc $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig
-       @chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libssl.pc
+       @cp libssl.pc "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig"
+       @chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libssl.pc"
        @$(ECHO) "install openssl.pc -> $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/openssl.pc"
-       @cp openssl.pc $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig
-       @chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/openssl.pc
+       @cp openssl.pc "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig"
+       @chmod 644 "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/openssl.pc"
 uninstall_dev: uninstall_runtime_libs
        @$(ECHO) "*** Uninstalling development files"
        @ : {- output_off() unless grep { $_ eq "OPENSSL_USE_APPLINK" } (@{$target{defines}}, @{$config{defines}}); "" -}
        @$(ECHO) "$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/applink.c"
-       @$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/applink.c
+       @$(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/applink.c"
        @ : {- output_on() unless grep { $_ eq "OPENSSL_USE_APPLINK" } (@{$target{defines}}, @{$config{defines}}); "" -}
        @set -e; for i in $(SRCDIR)/include/openssl/*.h \
                          $(BLDDIR)/include/openssl/*.h; do \
                fn=`basename $$i`; \
                $(ECHO) "$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/$$fn"; \
-               $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/$$fn; \
+               $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl/$$fn"; \
-       -$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl
-       -$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include
+       -$(RMDIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include/openssl"
+       -$(RMDIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/include"
        @set -e; for l in $(INSTALL_LIBS); do \
                fn=`basename $$l`; \
                $(ECHO) "$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn"; \
-               $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn; \
+               $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn"; \
        @ : {- output_off() if $disabled{shared}; "" -}
        @set -e; for s in $(INSTALL_SHLIB_INFO); do \
@@ -693,35 +693,35 @@
                fn2=`basename $$s2`; \
                : {- output_off() if windowsdll(); "" -}; \
                $(ECHO) "$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2"; \
-               $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2; \
+               $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2"; \
                if [ "$$fn1" != "$$fn2" -a -f "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn1" ]; then \
                        $(ECHO) "$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn1"; \
-                       $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn1; \
+                       $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn1"; \
                fi; \
                : {- output_on() if windowsdll(); "" -}{- output_off() unless windowsdll(); "" -}; \
                $(ECHO) "$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2"; \
-               $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2; \
+               $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn2"; \
                : {- output_on() unless windowsdll(); "" -}; \
        @ : {- output_on() if $disabled{shared}; "" -}
-       $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libcrypto.pc
-       $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libssl.pc
-       $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/openssl.pc
-       -$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig
-       -$(RMDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
+       $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libcrypto.pc"
+       $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/libssl.pc"
+       $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig/openssl.pc"
+       -$(RMDIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/pkgconfig"
+       -$(RMDIR) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)"
 install_engines: install_runtime_libs build_engines
        @[ -n "$(INSTALLTOP)" ] || (echo INSTALLTOP should not be empty; exit 1)
-       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ $(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/
+       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ "$(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/"
        @$(ECHO) "*** Installing engines"
        @set -e; for e in dummy $(INSTALL_ENGINES); do \
                if [ "$$e" = "dummy" ]; then continue; fi; \
                fn=`basename $$e`; \
                $(ECHO) "install $$e -> $(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$fn"; \
-               cp $$e $(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$; \
-               chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$; \
-               mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$ \
-                     $(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$fn; \
+               cp $$e "$(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$"; \
+               chmod 755 "$(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$"; \
+               mv -f "$(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$" \
+                     "$(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$fn"; \
@@ -733,18 +733,18 @@
                        continue; \
                fi; \
                $(ECHO) "$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$fn"; \
-               $(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$fn; \
+               $(RM) "$(DESTDIR)$(ENGINESDIR)/$$fn"; \
 install_runtime: install_programs
 install_runtime_libs: build_libs
        @[ -n "$(INSTALLTOP)" ] || (echo INSTALLTOP should not be empty; exit 1)
        @ : {- output_off() if windowsdll(); "" -}
-       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
+       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)"
        @ : {- output_on() if windowsdll(); output_off() unless windowsdll(); "" -}
-       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin
+       @$(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/util/ "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin"
        @ : {- output_on() unless windowsdll(); "" -}
        @$(ECHO) "*** Installing runtime libraries"
        @set -e; for s in dummy $(INSTALL_SHLIBS); do \
@@ -752,40 +752,40 @@
                fn=`basename $$s`; \
                : {- output_off() unless windowsdll(); "" -}; \
                $(ECHO) "install $$s -> $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin/$$fn"; \
-               cp $$s $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin/$$; \
-               chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin/$$; \
-               mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin/$$ \
-                     $(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin/$$fn; \
+               cp $$s "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin/$$"; \
+               chmod 755 "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin/$$"; \
+               mv -f "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin/$$" \
+                     "$(DESTDIR)$(INSTALLTOP)/bin/$$fn"; \
                : {- output_on() unless windowsdll(); "" -}{- output_off() if windowsdll(); "" -}; \
                $(ECHO) "install $$s -> $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn"; \
-               cp $$s $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$; \
-               chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$; \
-               mv -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$ \
-                     $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn; \
+               cp $$s "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$"; \
+               chmod 755 "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$"; \
+               mv -f "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$" \
+                     "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$$fn"; \
                : {- output_on() if windowsdll(); "" -}; \
 install_programs: install_runtime_libs build_programs

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