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[src/trunk]: src/share/man/man9 opencrypto: Touch up man page a little.

branches:  trunk
changeset: 366343:702936bac200
user:      riastradh <>
date:      Sun May 22 11:40:46 2022 +0000

opencrypto: Touch up man page a little.


 share/man/man9/opencrypto.9 |  17 ++---------------
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diffs (41 lines):

diff -r 92054ad3f45a -r 702936bac200 share/man/man9/opencrypto.9
--- a/share/man/man9/opencrypto.9       Sun May 22 11:40:38 2022 +0000
+++ b/share/man/man9/opencrypto.9       Sun May 22 11:40:46 2022 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 .\"    $OpenBSD: crypto.9,v 1.25 2003/07/11 13:47:41 jmc Exp $
-.\"    $NetBSD: opencrypto.9,v 1.22 2022/05/22 11:40:29 riastradh Exp $
+.\"    $NetBSD: opencrypto.9,v 1.23 2022/05/22 11:40:46 riastradh Exp $
 .\" The author of this man page is Angelos D. Keromytis (
@@ -276,15 +276,12 @@
 .It Fa crp_callback
 This routine is invoked upon completion of the request, whether
 successful or not.
-It is invoked through the
+It is invoked by the driver through the
 .Fn crypto_done
 If the request was not successful, an error code is set in the
 .Fa crp_etype
-It is the responsibility of the callback routine to set the appropriate
-.Xr spl 9
 .It Fa crp_etype
 Contains the error type, if any errors were encountered, or zero if
 the request was successfully processed.
@@ -710,13 +707,3 @@
 Note that 3DES is considered one algorithm (and not three
 instances of DES).
 Thus, 3DES and DES could be mixed in the same request.
-A queue for completed operations should be implemented and processed
-at some software
-.Xr spl 9
-level, to avoid overall system latency issues, and potential kernel
-stack exhaustion while processing a callback.
-When SMP time comes, we will support use of a second processor (or
-more) as a crypto device (this is actually AMP, but we need the same
-basic support).

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