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[src/netbsd-10]: src/sys/fs/nilfs Pull up following revision(s) (requested by...

branches:  netbsd-10
changeset: 376662:f1a86e20db9c
user:      martin <>
date:      Tue Jun 27 18:42:39 2023 +0000

Pull up following revision(s) (requested by reinoud in ticket #218):

        sys/fs/nilfs/nilfs_subr.h: revision 1.5

Remove old prototypes from writing that shouldn't have been comitted at all!


 sys/fs/nilfs/nilfs_subr.h |  153 +---------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 152 deletions(-)

diffs (164 lines):

diff -r 404ee63f029d -r f1a86e20db9c sys/fs/nilfs/nilfs_subr.h
--- a/sys/fs/nilfs/nilfs_subr.h Tue Jun 27 18:39:47 2023 +0000
+++ b/sys/fs/nilfs/nilfs_subr.h Tue Jun 27 18:42:39 2023 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: nilfs_subr.h,v 1.4 2015/03/29 14:12:28 riastradh Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: nilfs_subr.h,v 2023/06/27 18:42:39 martin Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Reinoud Zandijk
@@ -105,154 +105,3 @@ int nilfs_fsync(void *v);
 int nilfs_advlock(void *v);
 #endif /* !_FS_NILFS_NILFS_SUBR_H_ */
-#if 0
-/* device information updating */
-int nilfs_update_trackinfo(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct mmc_trackinfo *trackinfo);
-int nilfs_update_discinfo(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-int nilfs_search_tracks(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct nilfs_args *args,
-                 int *first_tracknr, int *last_tracknr);
-int nilfs_search_writing_tracks(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-int nilfs_setup_writeparams(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-int nilfs_synchronise_caches(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-/* tags operations */
-int nilfs_fidsize(struct fileid_desc *fid);
-int nilfs_check_tag(void *blob);
-int nilfs_check_tag_payload(void *blob, uint32_t max_length);
-void nilfs_validate_tag_sum(void *blob);
-void nilfs_validate_tag_and_crc_sums(void *blob);
-int nilfs_tagsize(union dscrptr *dscr, uint32_t nilfs_sector_size);
-/* read/write descriptors */
-int nilfs_read_phys_dscr(
-               struct nilfs_mount *ump,
-               uint32_t sector,
-               struct malloc_type *mtype,              /* where to allocate */
-               union dscrptr **dstp);                  /* out */
-int nilfs_write_phys_dscr_sync(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node,
-               int what, union dscrptr *dscr,
-               uint32_t sector, uint32_t logsector);
-int nilfs_write_phys_dscr_async(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node,
-                     int what, union dscrptr *dscr,
-                     uint32_t sector, uint32_t logsector,
-                     void (*dscrwr_callback)(struct buf *));
-/* read/write node descriptors */
-int nilfs_create_logvol_dscr(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node,
-       struct long_ad *icb, union dscrptr **dscrptr);
-void nilfs_free_logvol_dscr(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct long_ad *icb_loc,
-       void *dscr);
-int nilfs_read_logvol_dscr(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct long_ad *icb,
-       union dscrptr **dscrptr);
-int nilfs_write_logvol_dscr(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, union dscrptr *dscr,
-       struct long_ad *icb, int waitfor);
-/* volume descriptors readers and checkers */
-int nilfs_read_anchors(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-int nilfs_read_vds_space(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-int nilfs_process_vds(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-int nilfs_read_vds_tables(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-int nilfs_read_rootdirs(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-/* open/close and sync volumes */
-int nilfs_open_logvol(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-int nilfs_close_logvol(struct nilfs_mount *ump, int mntflags);
-int nilfs_writeout_vat(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-int nilfs_write_physical_partition_spacetables(struct nilfs_mount *ump, int waitfor);
-int nilfs_write_metadata_partition_spacetable(struct nilfs_mount *ump, int waitfor);
-void nilfs_do_sync(struct nilfs_mount *ump, kauth_cred_t cred, int waitfor);
-/* translation services */
-int nilfs_translate_vtop(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct long_ad *icb_loc,
-               uint32_t *lb_numres, uint32_t *extres);
-void nilfs_translate_vtop_list(struct nilfs_mount *ump, uint32_t sectors,
-               uint16_t vpart_num, uint64_t *lmapping, uint64_t *pmapping);
-int nilfs_translate_file_extent(struct nilfs_node *node,
-               uint32_t from, uint32_t num_lb, uint64_t *map);
-void nilfs_get_adslot(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, int slot, struct long_ad *icb, int *eof);
-int nilfs_append_adslot(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, int *slot, struct long_ad *icb);
-int nilfs_vat_read(struct nilfs_node *vat_node, uint8_t *blob, int size, uint32_t offset);
-int nilfs_vat_write(struct nilfs_node *vat_node, uint8_t *blob, int size, uint32_t offset);
-/* disc allocation */
-void nilfs_late_allocate_buf(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct buf *buf, uint64_t *lmapping, struct long_ad *node_ad_cpy, uint16_t *vpart_num);
-void nilfs_free_allocated_space(struct nilfs_mount *ump, uint32_t lb_num, uint16_t vpart_num, uint32_t num_lb);
-int nilfs_pre_allocate_space(struct nilfs_mount *ump, int nilfs_c_type, uint32_t num_lb, uint16_t vpartnr, uint64_t *lmapping);
-int nilfs_grow_node(struct nilfs_node *node, uint64_t new_size);
-int nilfs_shrink_node(struct nilfs_node *node, uint64_t new_size);
-/* node readers and writers */
-uint64_t nilfs_advance_uniqueid(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-#define NILFS_LOCK_NODE(nilfs_node, flag) nilfs_lock_node(nilfs_node, (flag), __FILE__, __LINE__)
-#define NILFS_UNLOCK_NODE(nilfs_node, flag) nilfs_unlock_node(nilfs_node, (flag))
-void nilfs_lock_node(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, int flag, char const *fname, const int lineno);
-void nilfs_unlock_node(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, int flag);
-int nilfs_get_node(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct long_ad *icbloc, struct nilfs_node **noderes);
-int nilfs_writeout_node(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, int waitfor);
-int nilfs_dispose_node(struct nilfs_node *node);
-/* node ops */
-int nilfs_resize_node(struct nilfs_node *node, uint64_t new_size, int *extended);
-int nilfs_extattr_search_intern(struct nilfs_node *node, uint32_t sattr, char const *sattrname, uint32_t *offsetp, uint32_t *lengthp);
-/* node data buffer read/write */
-void nilfs_read_filebuf(struct nilfs_node *node, struct buf *buf);
-void nilfs_write_filebuf(struct nilfs_node *node, struct buf *buf);
-void nilfs_fixup_fid_block(uint8_t *blob, int lb_size, int rfix_pos, int max_rfix_pos, uint32_t lb_num);
-void nilfs_fixup_internal_extattr(uint8_t *blob, uint32_t lb_num);
-void nilfs_fixup_node_internals(struct nilfs_mount *ump, uint8_t *blob, int nilfs_c_type);
-/* device strategy */
-void nilfs_discstrat_init(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-void nilfs_discstrat_finish(struct nilfs_mount *ump);
-void nilfs_discstrat_queuebuf(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct buf *nestbuf);
-/* structure writers */
-int nilfs_write_terminator(struct nilfs_mount *ump, uint32_t sector);
-/* structure creators */
-void nilfs_inittag(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct desc_tag *tag, int tagid, uint32_t sector);
-void nilfs_set_regid(struct regid *regid, char const *name);
-void nilfs_add_domain_regid(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct regid *regid);
-void nilfs_add_nilfs_regid(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct regid *regid);
-void nilfs_add_impl_regid(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct regid *regid);
-void nilfs_add_app_regid(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct regid *regid);
-/* directory operations and helpers */
-void nilfs_osta_charset(struct charspec *charspec);
-int nilfs_read_fid_stream(struct vnode *vp, uint64_t *offset, struct fileid_desc *fid, struct dirent *dirent);
-int nilfs_lookup_name_in_dir(struct vnode *vp, const char *name, int namelen, struct long_ad *icb_loc, int *found);
-int nilfs_create_node(struct vnode *dvp, struct vnode **vpp, struct vattr *vap, struct componentname *cnp);
-void nilfs_delete_node(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node);
-int nilfs_chsize(struct vnode *vp, u_quad_t newsize, kauth_cred_t cred);
-int nilfs_dir_detach(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct nilfs_node *dir_node, struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, struct componentname *cnp);
-int nilfs_dir_attach(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct nilfs_node *dir_node, struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, struct vattr *vap, struct componentname *cnp);
-/* update and times */
-void nilfs_add_to_dirtylist(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node);
-void nilfs_remove_from_dirtylist(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node);
-void nilfs_itimes(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, struct timespec *acc,
-       struct timespec *mod, struct timespec *birth);
-int  nilfs_update(struct vnode *node, struct timespec *acc,
-       struct timespec *mod, struct timespec *birth, int updflags);
-/* helpers and converters */
-long nilfs_calchash(struct long_ad *icbptr);    /* for `inode' numbering */
-uint32_t nilfs_getaccessmode(struct nilfs_node *node);
-void nilfs_setaccessmode(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, mode_t mode);
-void nilfs_getownership(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, uid_t *uidp, gid_t *gidp);
-void nilfs_setownership(struct nilfs_node *nilfs_node, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
-void nilfs_to_unix_name(char *result, int result_len, char *id, int len, struct charspec *chsp);
-void unix_to_nilfs_name(char *result, uint8_t *result_len, char const *name, int name_len, struct charspec *chsp);
-void nilfs_timestamp_to_timespec(struct nilfs_mount *ump, struct timestamp *timestamp, struct timespec *timespec);
-void nilfs_timespec_to_timestamp(struct timespec *timespec, struct timestamp *timestamp);

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