Subject: sun-lamp CVS commits
To: None <source-changes@NetBSD.ORG>
From: The Source Master <srcmastr@NetBSD.ORG>
List: source-changes
Date: 12/28/1994 15:20:04
Wed Dec 28 15:17:55 PST 1994
Update of /b/source/CVS/src/usr.bin/skey
In directory

Modified Files:
Log Message:
send error messages & password prompt to stderr, as proposed by Simon Gerraty.
Note that this is not necessarily correct for the password prompt: ideally,
libc/gen/getpass.c should be cloned into the password reading routine in
libskey, and it should be extended to take a prompt string, so that the prompt
and input are taken from /dev/tty, a la passwd(1).
Also, make usage() exit as is standard style, and delete the redundant exits.