Subject: NetBSD master CVS tree commits
To: None <source-changes@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <source@NetBSD.ORG>
List: source-changes
Date: 04/26/1997 05:50:02
Fri Apr 25 22:41:35 PDT 1997
Update of /cvsroot/src/sbin/dumpfs
In directory netbsd1:/var/slash-tmp/cvs-serv18749

Modified Files:
	dumpfs.8 dumpfs.c 
Log Message:
Determine filesystem level (ref: fsck_ffs(8) -c ...) and display it.
Code was derivied from observing how fsck_ffs `upgrades' to a given
level, and has been tested on recent NetBSD filesystems (reports as "3"), 
SunOS ("1"), and ULTRIX ("0"). I haven't found a filesystem of level
"2" to test, but the code should detect it. Fixes [bin/1353]