Subject: NetBSD master CVS tree commits
To: None <source-changes@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <source@NetBSD.ORG>
List: source-changes
Date: 01/26/1998 22:10:03
Mon Jan 26 14:02:19 PST 1998
Update of /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/sun3/stand/libsa
In directory netbsd1:/var/slash-tmp/cvs-serv26888
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Deal with the fact that PROM driver descriptors are allowed to have
zero-length list of "standard addresses" by ignoring d_devbytes if
there are no addresses provided. In these cases, the PROM will map
the device without our help.
Mon Jan 26 14:04:25 PST 1998
Update of /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/sun3/stand/libsa
In directory netbsd1:/var/slash-tmp/cvs-serv27841
Modified Files:
Tag: gwr-3x3
Log Message:
Merge recent changes on the head onto the gwr-3x3 branch.