Subject: Re: recent ifconfig change [was: Re: NetBSD master CVS tree commits]
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang Solfrank <>
List: source-changes
Date: 08/06/1998 19:51:45
> > I was going to say this myself, but you beat me to it :-).
> >
> > I _very_ much appreciate it if a command's output gives me some hint on
> > its usage, especially if it doesn't cost anything. I think that this is
> > what makes the difference between cool vs. usable programs.
> Argh, ok... hopefully it doesn't make the output to annoyingly long.
Huh? I didn't mean to have the output of "man ifconfig" appearing on an
"ifconfig -m xxx" :-).
More something along the lines of:
supported for Ethernet:
media autoselect
media 100baseTX mediaopt full-duplex
media 100baseTX
media 10baseT mediaopt full-duplex
media 10baseT
media 100baseTX mediaopt loopback
supported for Token Ring:
media <whatever>
ws@TooLs.DE (Wolfgang Solfrank, TooLs GmbH) +49-228-985800