Subject: CVS commit: src
To: None <>
From: Ross Harvey <>
List: source-changes
Date: 10/04/1998 21:56:36
Module Name: src
Committed By: ross
Date: Mon Oct 5 04:56:36 UTC 1998
Modified Files:
src/sys/lib/libsa: ustarfs.c
Log Message:
Reserve an 8K label area on every disk, not just the first. Rewrite the block
addressing and disk changing code. Separate disk addressing into three layers.
(virtual: ustar format space spanning volumes, logical: format space relative
to current volume, and physical: standard meaning). Compute a checksum of the
disk 0 8k label area, and define a label for disk 2, 3.... Detect incorrect
disk changing order and attempt to recognize our disk 0 from its checksum.