Subject: re: CVS commit: basesrc
To: None <>
From: matthew green <>
List: source-changes
Date: 07/09/1999 11:22:24
   Modified Files:
   	basesrc/usr.bin/fstat: fstat.c
   Log Message:
   Define "_LKM" before including kernel includes with "_KERNEL" defined
   so that "opt_ffs.h" gets skipped.

hmm. i was discussing this with dean last night, and he came up with
idea also but neither of us liked it.  i think this change is wrong.

it seems that we need some new preprocessor symbol to deal with this,
such as `_KERNEL_FROM_USERLAND' which basically means to not include
opt_xxx.h files, and any userland code that wants to #define _KERNEL
must also define this.  the above is a hack and should die.
