Subject: Re: /etc/aliases
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: source-changes
Date: 05/03/2000 17:01:28
>> is it not possible for /etc/aliases to be a link to /etc/mail/aliases?
>Where would you put the .db file?
sendmail makes in /etc/mail/aliases.db, of course. it thinks the
aliases file is in /etc/mail and it opens them both there.
>Why not just make /etc/mail/aliases a symlink to /etc/aliases for that matter.
i guess it depends on who needs the aliases file and/or database. in
the one case where i needed to read the aliases file, i did it "right"
(imho) and parsed the /etc/ file to find it.
so who (or what) needs it?
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