Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc
To: Ichiro Fukuhara <>
From: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
List: source-changes
Date: 05/16/2001 01:42:51
> > Could you please define what "roaming mode" actually does?
> > Does it involve changes of ESSIDs, or changes of BSSIDs,
> > or something else?
> prism2 chip have three roaming mode,

So that means that this doesn't apply to the Lucent cards?
That should be clear, then.

> roaming decision made by CW10 firmware, by host and disable.  If set
> 1, all roaming is handled by firmware, we do nothing.  if set 2,
> host be interrupt with ScanRequest when either PRISM MAC scans or
> host initiates a scan. Then, Host do JoinRequest at that time. But
> this mode is not obstructed by present wi(4) code.

What is the third mode?
