Subject: re: CVS commit: basesrc/distrib/notes
To: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
From: matthew green <>
List: source-changes
Date: 11/27/2001 12:15:54
By doing it this way, it doesn't slow down the regular generation
of the release notes, and normal people generating the release
notes don't have to worry about making sure they have a consistent
table of contents generated.
it seems to be to generate consistent (== correct) release notes
one needs to run the toc generation twice in any case one may
need to run it at all. depends could make it so that having the
generated files commited works but it's always possible for this
to get confused as well (say, z depends on a and b. i change a
and then cvs update, getting changes to b and commited changes
to z. but now my z is newer than my a so 'make' will be fooled).
what sort of extar time are we talking about here? i see the
potential for lossage as being too great.