Subject: Re: CVS commit: syssrc/sys/dev/pci
To: Michael Graff <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: source-changes
Date: 08/02/2002 14:37:10
[ On , August 2, 2002 at 09:59:45 (-0700), Michael Graff wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: CVS commit: syssrc/sys/dev/pci
> (Johan Danielsson) writes:
> > 
> > You can, but you might end up having to renumber a large portion of
> > your hardware, and that would require more changes to our PCI drivers.
> Do people lock down devices in config files?

I've done so on a few machines because I wanted to lock down my SCSI
drives and I've got multiple controllers and multiple PCI buses and I
didn't want things moving around if anyone moved a controller between
slots.  It seems to work fine (I've moved one controller between buses
to test if there were any performance implications).  I would do the
same for my ethernets if they were all the same type of interface too.

								Greg A. Woods

+1 416 218-0098;            <>;           <>
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