Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc/games/hack
To: Lennart Augustsson <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: source-changes
Date: 08/22/2002 15:15:17
> Anders Magnusson wrote:
> >>Module Name: basesrc
> >>Committed By: chuck
> >>Date: Thu Aug 22 01:49:34 UTC 2002
> >>
> >>Modified Files:
> >> basesrc/games/hack: hack.mkshop.c
> >>
> >>Log Message:
> >>shops are only supposed to have 1 door (as per standard hack 1.0.3).
> >>for some reason, the version of 1.0.3 that was in the 4.4 lite tree
> >>was modified to allow shops with two doors -- this violates the spirit
> >>of the game. with this diff, we revert back to classic 1.0.3 behavior.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >Eeek! This will make the only way to shoplift to be done by teleportation,
> >it works much better if you are able to do it by sneaking out the other
> >door also. In either case, you must be aware of the shop owner. I would
> >prefer if the old way would be left, I use it often when I play hack :-)
> >
> That's not the only way to shoplift. You can also make a hole in the
> floor with
> a wand of digging. (And maybe also with a pickaxe if you're persistent.)
Of course, but I still want the second door...
We'we had hack tournaments for ~12 years now and it feels strange to
suddenly "change the rules".
(Me personally usually play as knight so pickaxe are kind of rare then).
-- Ragge