Subject: Re: CVS commit: [netbsd-2-0] src/doc
To: Matthias Scheler <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: source-changes
Date: 06/07/2004 23:18:19
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On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 10:06:17AM +0000, Matthias Scheler wrote:
| Module Name: src
| Committed By: tron
| Date: Mon Jun 7 10:06:17 UTC 2004
| Modified Files:
| src/doc [netbsd-2-0]: CHANGES
| Log Message:
| Pull up revision 1.321 via patch (requested by recht in ticket #451):
| mention scrolling support.
IMHO, this feature was pulled up too prematurely, especially this late
in the release cycle.
There are outstanding display corruption bugs with the feature
(PR 25765), and I've seen discussion that it may have problems
when using multiple VTs.
That, and it appears that the documentation on enabling and using
the feature is deficient.
I would rather see NetBSD 2.0 shipped without this feature than
with a buggy version of it. So, we should either back out the
pullup or ensure that it's fixed ASAP.
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