Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/evbppc/conf
To: None <>
From: KIYOHARA Takashi <>
List: source-changes
Date: 09/11/2005 02:24:05
Hi! tsutsui-san,
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 00:52:20 +0900
> arch/evb* ports may require more than one config files
> for each board or machine, but I think it's still better
> to have only one GENERIC-like kernel for each board,
> so that autobuild could check any breakage by building
> only one kenrel config, and people who will add or change
> MI features could see at least which MD config files
> should be updated for their changes.
If the option and other device are defining in OPENBLOCKS266, the kernel
more large. We do not hope for it.
OPENBLOCKS266_OPT is including OPENBLOCKS266. Because it is easy to mainte-
nance. is there a problem?
% head /sys/arch/evbppc/conf/OPENBLOCKS266_OPT
# $NetBSD: OPENBLOCKS266_OPT,v 1.1 2005/09/10 04:34:39 kiyohara Exp $
include "arch/evbppc/conf/OPENBLOCKS266"
cbb* at pci? dev ? function ?
cardslot* at cbb?
cardbus* at cardslot?
pcmcia* at cardslot?