Subject: re: CVS commit: src/usr.bin/progress
To: Tim Rightnour <>
From: matthew green <>
List: source-changes
Date: 01/14/2006 12:32:50
On 13-Jan-2006 Alan Barrett wrote:
> s this the right thing? Would it make sense to have more options to
> control where the output is written (/dev/tty, stderr, stdout), and is
> stdout really the correct default?
(Any further followup should go to tech-userlevel probably)
Yeah, I do think it is the correct thing. It doesn't seem particularly useful
to me to have it go anywhere other than stdout or stderr. For most cases of
where progress is used, stdout probably is the correct default.. Putting it in
pipelines like this is rather a corner case, but a reasonable request to have
it seems to me that it should just always go to stderr? is there any
case that isn't the right place?