Subject: Re: CVS commit: src
To: Quentin Garnier <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: source-changes
Date: 08/07/2006 08:40:06
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On Sun, Aug 06, 2006 at 08:53:12PM +0200, Quentin Garnier wrote:
> > > - you don't free freq_names if k8pnow_current_state is NULL (what if
> > > the PSB doesn't list the current state? you know vendors... I
> > > certainly expect one to ship a laptop with a broken PSB but a corr=
> > > ACPI table)
> >=20
> > Fixed.
> No. As I said, Coverity will tell you.
Just a side comment.. regardless of the rest of the details, it is
unfair to criticise Juan for not getting code review, while at the
same time providing feedback that is, I have to say, cryptic at best.
If you can see a specific problem with the code, and especially if the
author seems to have missed your point last time, please just describe
the problem clearly.
Peace, Love, and XML.
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