Subject: Re: Installing SGE problem
To: Ron Chen <>
From: Co Thai Ngo <>
List: tech-cluster
Date: 09/30/2004 14:19:59
I've got the below error when I run install_qmaster -csp. Could anyone help me 
to resolve that problem.  
Thank you very much, 
You selected the following basic data for the distinguished name of 
your certificates: 
Country code:         C=US 
State:                ST=NM 
Location:             L=LC 
Organization:         O=NMSU 
Organizational unit:  OU=Biology 
CA email address: 
Do you want to use these data (y/n) [y] >> y 
Creating RANDFILE in >/var/sgeCA/sge_commd/default/private/rand.seed< 
Creating CA certificate and private key 
Using configuration from /tmp/sge_ca118143.tmp 
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key 
writing new private key to '/var/sgeCA/sge_commd/default/private/cakey.pem' 
problems making Certificate Request 
18225:error:0B083077:x509 certificate 
routines:X509_NAME_ENTRY_create_by_txt:invalid field name:x509name.c:ame=userId 
Command failed: /usr/pkg/sge/utilbin/nbsd-i386/openssl req -md5 -nodes -config 
/tmp/sge_ca118143.tmp -new --keyout 
/var/sgeCA/sge_commd/default/private/cakey.pem -out 
/usr/pkg/sge/default/common/sgeCA/cacert.pem -d65 
Probably a permission problem. Please check file access permissions. 
Check root read/write permission. Check if SGE daemons are running. 
CAErrUsage: not found 
Hit <RETURN> to continue >> 
Grid Engine qmaster and scheduler startup 
Starting qmaster and scheduler daemon. Please wait ... 
   starting sge_qmaster 
critical error: CA certificate "/usr/pkg/sge/default/common/sgeCA/cacert.pem" 
doesn't exist 
   starting sge_schedd 
critical error: CA certificate "/usr/pkg/sge/default/common/sgeCA/cacert.pem" 
doesn't exist 
Hit <RETURN> to continue >> 
Co Thai Ngo  
Dept. of Biology   
New Mexico State University