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[debug%MIT.EDU@localhost: Cluster 2005 Paper deadline extended to May 21]

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              The 2005 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
                              September 27-30, 2005
              Burlington Marriott Boston, Burlington, Massachusetts, USA


Commodity clusters today provide a convenient and cost-effective platform for
executing complex computation-, data- and/or transaction-centric applications.
Many research and development challenges remain in all areas of cluster computing, including middleware, networking, algorithms and applications, resource management, platform deployment and maintenance, and integration of clusters into computational grids. Cluster 2005 provides an open forum for researchers, practitioners and users to present and discuss issues, directions, and results that will shape the future of cluster computing. This years event is to be held in and around Boston / Cambridge.

See the upcoming Call for Participation for more details.


   Cluster 2005 welcomes paper and poster submissions from engineers and
   scientists in academia and industry describing original research work in
   all areas of cluster computing. In addition, Cluster 2005 will welcome
   proposals for tutorials and workshops to be held concurrently with the
   conference. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   Cluster Middleware:
    - Single-System Image Services         - Software Environments and Tools
    - Standard Software for Clusters       - I/O Libraries, File Systems,
                                             and Distributed RAID

   Cluster Networking:
- High-Speed System Interconnects - Lightweight Communication Protocols
    - Fast Message Passing Libraries

   Cluster Management and Maintenance:
    - Cluster Security and Reliability     - Tools for Managing Clusters
- Cluster Job and Resource Management - High-Availability Cluster Solutions

- Scientific and E-Commerce Apps - Data Distribution and Load Balancing
    - Scheduling and Parallel Algorithms   - Innovative Cluster Applications
    - Tools and Environments               - Computational Sciences

   Performance Analysis and Evaluation:
- Benchmarking and Profiling Tools - Performance Prediction and Modeling
    - Analysis and Visualization

   Grid Computing and Clusters:
- Grid / Clusters Integration - Network-Based Distributed Computing
    - Mobile Agents and Java for


Format for submission: Full paper drafts, not to exceed 25 double-spaced, numbered pages
(including title, author affiliations, abstract, keywords, figures, tables and
bibliographic references) using 12 point font on 8.5x11-inch pages with 1-inch margins all around. A web based submission mechanisms will be activated on the conference web site two weeks before the submission deadline. Authors should submit a PostScript (level 2) or
PDF file. Hard copy submissions can not be accepted.


Format for submission: 1 page abstract in PDF including names of authors, their affiliation and a 200 word abstract sent as an e-mail attachment to the poster chair, Shawn Houston <>. Poster presentations will also be offered to the authors of technical papers that were not accepted for oral presentation but are recommended by the
committee for this form of publication.


     - Workshop Proposals Due                March 16, 2005
     - Paper Submissions Due                 May 21, 2005
     - Tutorial Proposals Due                May 21, 2005
     - Paper Acceptance Notification         June 18, 2005
     - Poster Submissions Due                June 23, 2005
     - Exhibition Proposal Due               June 23, 2005
     - Poster Acceptance Notification        June 30, 2005
     - Camera-Ready Paper Manuscripts Due    July 16, 2005
     - Camera-Ready Poster Abstracts Due     July 16, 2005
     - Cut-off for group hotel rates         September 5, 2005
     - Conference                            September 27-30, 2005
     - Post-Conference Workshops             September 30, 2005


    * General Chair:
      - Dimiter Avresky, Northeastern University, Boston, USA

    * General Vice Chair:
      - Daniel S. Katz, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech, USA

    * Program Chair:
      - Thomas Stricker, Google Engineering, Switzerland

    * Workshops Chair:
      - Rajkumar Buyya, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science and
        Software Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia

    * Tutorials Chair:
      - Box Leangsuksun, Lousiana Tech, Louisiana, USA

    * Exhibits/Sponsors Co-Chairs:
       - Ivan Judson, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
       - Rosa Badia, CEPBA-IBM Research Institute, UPC, Spain

    * Posters Chair:
       - Shawn Houston, University of Alaska, USA

    * Publications Chair:
       - Kurt Keville, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

    * Publicity Chair:
       - Kevin Gleason, Mount Ida College, Newton, USA

    * Finance/Registration Chair:
       - Madeleine Furlotte, Genzyme, USA

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