Subject: Re: crypto(4) and IVs
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-crypto
Date: 05/29/2005 14:32:23
>> I find that when I do a CIOCCRYPT, the IV is not modified. How am I
>> supposed to get the correct IV for my next call? Do I have to go
>> under the hood and "know" that for the cipher I'm using (3DES_CBC)
>> it's the last block of the encrypted data (output for ENCRYPT, input
>> for DECRYPT)? Or is there something I'm missing?
> One good way to see how it all works is to look at the /dev/crypto
> engine Jonathan added to our OpenSSL --
If you mean src/crypto/dist/openssl/crypto/engine/hw_cryptodev.c (one
of only two places in the entire source tree which open /dev/crypto,
the other being src/crypto/dist/openssl/crypto/evp/openbsd_hw.c), it
does go under the hood. (Line numbers are from the version sup fetched
for me 2005-03-26 11:17 UTC; I don't see an RCS ID line in it.)
400 if (ctx->cipher->iv_len) {
401 cryp.iv = (caddr_t) ctx->iv;
402 if (!ctx->encrypt) {
403 iiv = (void *) in + inl - ctx->cipher->iv_len;
404 memcpy(save_iv, iiv, ctx->cipher->iv_len);
405 }
406 } else
407 cryp.iv = NULL;
[the CIOCCRYPT ioctl, and error handling, snipped as irrelevant here]
416 if (ctx->cipher->iv_len) {
417 if (ctx->encrypt)
418 iiv = (void *) out + inl - ctx->cipher->iv_len;
419 else
420 iiv = save_iv;
421 memcpy(ctx->iv, iiv, ctx->cipher->iv_len);
422 }
It appears to assume that any cryptosystem with an IV is doing
CBC-style feedback. This will break when someone gets around to adding
the counter modes (see draft-ietf-secsh-newmodes-03.txt), unless their
state is represented somewhere other than the IV storage....
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