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MII on a chip on a board...

Hi All,
        I'm wanting to put a switch chip on an embedded appliance I have a 
dream of creating.  I had a look at and 
it seems to have a couple of generic drivers.  I guess the question I have is: 
If I
put this chip on a board, how do I get NetBSD to recognise it (the web page 
insinuates that MII interfaces live on network cards, and I don't know if this 
chip qualifies as a network card [Realtek 8305S]).

        The chips spec says: The fifth port (port 4) can be configured as a 
MII/SNI to work with a routing engine, HomePHY or a fiber transceiver for a 
100Base-FX application.

        Will the generic MII drivers listed on the above web page drive such an 
interface? (This sounds like 'how long is a piece of string?' to me, but I 
thought I should ask anyway :-)

Trying to come to grips with hardware,

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