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Embedded development platform

I have some questions for those doing development with the Coldfire processors 
using NetBSD.

I would like to use NetBSd as an embedded development platform. My plan is to be 
able to compile, download and debug via a P&E BDM connector.

Right now I need to set up the development tools. Since some of these builds 
can take a while (on my 400MHz box that is hosting this experiment), I wanted 
to make sure I am not doing anything wrong or leaving anything out. Anyway, 
here is my plan.

1) Install NetBSD and make sure to get the development tarball.
2) Configure the machine as normal to get net access, etc.
3) Fetch the sources from the website (src.tgz, gnu.tgz, etc) and install to 
4) Patch the gnu compiler with the Coldfire patch available on
5) Patch the gnu debugger with the BDM patch on Sourceforge 
6) Build the toolchain - './ tools'
7) Build the tools for the Coldfire (M68K) - './ -m m68k tools'

Once this is done, I would like to test out my setup by building a small 
application that blinks a few lights on the development board. For now I will 
download using the built in firmware and a terminal program to send the S19 
file via RS232. I will need a makefile that will build the assembly code file 
into a S19 file. The assembly file currently works using Windriver's Diab 
compiler and assembler.

This is where I need some help. Does anyone have a short makefile that they can share with me to help me along?
Also if there are any other things I should know about, please let me know.

Thanks in advance,



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