Subject: Development for MMU-less microcontrollers.
To: NetBSD Tech-embed <>
From: Brian Rose <>
List: tech-embed
Date: 08/09/2004 16:32:48
I am working with the Freescale (Motorola) Coldfire line of processors
(52xx - without MMU's), which currently are not supported by NetBSD.
Would it be possible to make a "soft MMU" in code and enable NetBSD to run
on a broader range of devices? I just hate to see the penguin get all the
embedded work. Is there any technical reason why a piece of software could
not replace a hardware MMU?
The reason I am asking is that I would like to propose NetBSD as an
alternative to allow our products to vastly improve their capabilities.
Since our current (and future) product line is driven by smaller MMU-less
processors, NetBSD is currently out of the question. And the penguin is not
favored by management because of the perceived licensing issues (source
disclosures, etc).
Thanks in advance,