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Re: Compressed cache system [Re: Google Summer of Code project ideas]

On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Matt Fleming wrote:
Now this point has got me to thinking. Is the way that an object is written to backing store dictated by its uvm_pagerops structure? And if so, would creating a pseudo device with its own pager operations be a reasonable way to go about handling writing to the compressed cache? Surely this way the pseudo device would handle the compression and decompression of the pages for the object.

Although I suppose it would have to be in addition to the uvm_pagerops struct that an object already had (or else how would the compressed cache know how to write to the _real_ backing store?).

Does this seem like a feasible idea?

I don't know zero about UVM, so I cannot comment.

But I guess you'll hit a problem that pops up with vnd(4) with VND_COMPRESSION, too: how are you going to manage your compressed storage? "Input" data is fixed size (== pagesize), but "output" size depends on the compression factor, and thus you'll need some way to arrange things with a non-fixed offset. Worse, if you replace a page with something that compresses worse, you may not be able to use available space.

 - Hubert

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