Subject: i386 reporting lost interrupts on IDE controller
To: None <tech-install@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: tech-install
Date: 04/07/1995 15:07:25
I've spent much of yesterday and today attempting to install
NetBSD 1.0 onto an IBM PS/1 (486DX2-66).  I've stripped all
cards and unessential devices (such as CD-ROM) from the machine.

The devices, ports, IRQs, and DRQs reported while booting the
file-system floppy match that reported by Microsoft's MSD and
Quarterdeck's MFT programs.

The motherboard contains an integrated IDE controller, reported
by NetBSD install as:

  wdc0 at isa0 0x1f0-0x1ff 14

There is one IDE drive, correctly reported by NetBSD install as:

  wd0 at wdc0 drive 0: 405MB 989 cyl, 15 head, 56 sec <WDC AC2420H>

When the install process begins to access the hard disk to create
the file system, I get the following message several times followed
by a "hard error" message:

  wdc0: lost interrupt: status 50 <rdy, seekdone> error 0

Are there known problems with the IDE driver?  Are there known
problems with the IDE controller integrated into PS/1 motherboards?

Thanks in advance!

-- Rocke Verser,