Subject: Re: Default netmask
To: None <>
From: Michael K. Sanders <>
List: tech-install
Date: 08/27/1998 16:08:16
In message <>, "Perry E. Metzger" writ
>"Michael K. Sanders" writes:
>> >BTW, you know there *is* a standard ICMP message to let you get the
>> >local netmask by broadcasting...
>> "Broadcasting to what"? 
>To the local net.
>You presumably get answers from the local routers and hosts if they
>know what the netmask is.

Right, but if you have a CIDR network then the broadcast address is an
unknown... You could just send the ICMP to the gateway and hope it's
implemented (is it required by any standards?), but I don't think
relying on a broadcast is a good idea.