Subject: Re: Default filesystem sizes
To:, Manuel Bouyer <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-install
Date: 06/21/1999 19:31:12
	Hopefully I'm addressing all the feedback I've recieved on this:

	I'm going to pass on any large 'Jumpstart' like project - and
	concentrate on something quick that we can use for 1.4.1 :)

	I'd imagine very few people on this list would use anything but
	'Custom'. One size cannot fit all, but it can at least avoid
	strangling many people...

    Suggestion 2:

	Drop root and /usr altogether. In virtually every case its
	better off with one big root, root /usr, and /var, or something
	more custom.

	The disk partitioning menu would have four options

		[a] Toggle 'install with X'
		[b] Standard		(one big filesystem, plus swap)
		[c] Standard server	(/, swap, /usr, /var)
		[d] Custom 		(Uses defaults from [c]).

	Logic (the letters are stages, not partitions):

#### a) _must_ have enough for the distribution (std/std+x) plus minfree
####    (currently 8MB) in each filesystem.
#### b) If enough space, ensure swap is the size of ram (2*ram for x)
#### c) Allow enough extra space for one crashdump
#### d) Split the remainder
####	1/16 to swap (clip at 4*ram)	- will allow mfs /tmp
####	If non server
####	    rest to filesystem
####	else
####	    1/32 to root (clip at minfree+ram*2)
####	    1/16 to /var (clip at minfree+ram*4)
####	    rest to /usr

	I'm clipping at swap=4*ram, to allow for people wanting to use mfs 
	/tmp or similar. On a 128MB machine you only get that much on a
	7GB disk. a 4GB disk would give 362MB swap.

	Updated perl script attached :)

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# distroot		Space used in root filesystem by base install
# distusr		Space used in usr filesystem by base install
# distusrx		Space used in usr filesystem by base install + X
# distvar		Space used in /var filesystem by base install
# minfree		Min free space needed in any filesystem
# minram		Assume at least this much ram for swap calculations
# ram			Ram in machine (set to max(ram,minram))
# avail			Space available to NetBSD
# root,swap,usr,var	Space allocated to each partition
# usex			Is x being used
# server		Are we configuring for one big filesystem (no usr,var)

# Some constants

# MD sizes

require '';

if ( ! &Getopts('sx') || @ARGV != 2 )
    print "Usage: diskpart [opt] ram disk
[opts]  -s Partition for server (separate /usr, and /var)
	-x Partition for X (larger minspace for /usr)

ram=Ram size in MB	disk=Disk size in MB

$ram=	$ARGV[0];
$avail=	$ARGV[1];
$usex=	$opt_x;

# Calculate some values
if ($usex)
    { $distusr=$distusrx; }
if ($ram < $minram)
    { $ram=$minram; }

#### a) _must_ have enough for the distribution (std/std+x) plus minfree
####    (currently 8MB) in each filesystem.
if ($server)
    $root=	$distroot+$minfree;
    $usr=	$distusr+$minfree;
    $var=	$distvar+$minfree;

if ($avail < 0)
    # Could try to handle standard server too big and standard would fit
    print "Unable to fit filesystems into available space\n";
    print "Use interactive setup (and pray)\n";

#### b) If enough space, ensure swap is the size of ram (2*ram for x)
if ($val > $avail)
    print "Warning: Reducing swap to fit\n";
    { $swap=$val; }

#### c) Allow enough extra space for one crashdump
if ($avail < $ram)
    { $val=$avail; }
    { $val=$ram; }

if ($server)
    { $var+=$ram; }
    { $root+=$ram; }


#### d) Split the remainder
####	1/16 to swap (clip at 4*ram)	- will allow mfs /tmp
####	If non server
####	    rest to filesystem
####	else
####	    1/32 to root (clip at minfree+ram*2)
####	    1/16 to /var (clip at minfree+ram*4)
####	    rest to /usr

if ($swap+$val > $ram*4)
    { $val = $ram*4 - $swap; }

if ($server)


    { $root+=$avail; }



sub print_sizes
    printf("%-10s root=%-5d  swap=%-5d  /usr=%-5d  /var=%-5d  avail=%-5d\n",

sub min


                  -=-  and team B will be... Kenny.  -=-