Subject: install.sub:configure_ifs() broken in 1.4.
To: None <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-install
Date: 06/27/1999 05:25:56
hi folks.
in tracking down problems with the sparc install floppy i found that
changes to ifconfig(8) output in relation to 'media' completely broke
ifmedia handling in the miniroot/install.sub:configure_ifs() function.
here's my proposed patch. it also allows saying `none' for `media'
and `link' options, which lets you set nothing even if something is
suggested by the program.
comments on this ASAP are requested as this really is necessary for
Index: miniroot/install.sub
RCS file: /cvsroot/basesrc/distrib/miniroot/install.sub,v
retrieving revision
diff -p -c -r1.25.2.2 install.sub
*** install.sub 1999/06/18 16:19:10
--- install.sub 1999/06/26 19:20:11
*************** configure_ifs() {
*** 374,379 ****
--- 374,380 ----
local _interface_mediumtype
local _interface_supported_media
local _m
+ local _t
*************** configure_ifs() {
*** 382,402 ****
_interface_supported_media=`ifconfig -m $_interface_name | sed -n '
! 3s/supported media: //p'`
! set -- `ifconfig $_interface_name | sed -n '
! 2s/media: \([^ ][^ ]*\).*/\1/p
! 3s/inet//
! 3s/--> [0-9.][0-9.]*//
! 3s/netmask//
! 3s/broadcast//
! 3p'`
! if [ "$1" != "manual" ]; then
! _interface_ip=$2
! _interface_mask=$3
# Get IP address
resp="" # force one iteration
--- 383,410 ----
_interface_supported_media=`ifconfig -m $_interface_name | sed -n '
! /^[ ]*media autoselect/d
! 4,$s/[ ]*media //p'`
! # get current "media" "ip" and "netmask" ("broadcast")
! _t=`ifconfig $_interface_name | sed -n '
! s/^[ ]*media: [^ ]* \([^ ][^ ]*\).*/\1/p'`
! if [ "$_t" != "manual" -a "$_t" != "media:" -a "$_t" != "autoselect" ];
! then
! set -- `ifconfig $_interface_name | sed -n '
! /^[ ]*inet/{
! s/inet//
! s/--> [0-9.][0-9.]*//
! s/netmask//
! s/broadcast//
! p;}'`
! _interface_ip=$1
! _interface_mask=$2
# Get IP address
resp="" # force one iteration
*************** configure_ifs() {
*** 424,434 ****
echo "Your network interface might require explicit selection"
echo "of the type of network medium attached. Supported media:"
! echo " $_interface_supported_media."
! echo -n "Additional media type arguments? [$_interface_mediumtype] "
getresp "$_interface_mediumtype"
! if [ "X${resp}" != X"" ]; then
_m="media ${resp}"
--- 432,442 ----
echo "Your network interface might require explicit selection"
echo "of the type of network medium attached. Supported media:"
! echo "$_interface_supported_media"
! echo -n "Additional media type arguments (none)? [$_interface_mediumtype] "
getresp "$_interface_mediumtype"
! if [ "X${resp}" != X"" -a "X${resp}" != Xnone ]; then
_m="media ${resp}"
*************** configure_ifs() {
*** 438,446 ****
echo "directives (like \`link0'). If this is the case you can enter"
echo "these at the next prompt."
echo ""
! echo -n "Additional link-layer arguments? [$_interface_extra] "
getresp "$_interface_extra"
! if [ "X${resp}" != X"" ]; then
--- 446,454 ----
echo "directives (like \`link0'). If this is the case you can enter"
echo "these at the next prompt."
echo ""
! echo -n "Additional link-layer arguments (none)? [$_interface_extra] "
getresp "$_interface_extra"
! if [ "X${resp}" != X"" -a "X${resp}" != Xnone ]; then