Subject: Re: Reworking minirot/ramdisk build tools
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: tech-install
Date: 09/06/1999 11:21:59
In message <>
David Brownlee writes
> Actually on a realtaed note - you might want to look at
> distrib/sparc/ramdisk.sysinst
> I modified it to use m4 so I could build i386 and sparc ramdisk
> kernels from the same directory. My intentionw as to migrate
> it into an MI area and expand it to other ports.
yes, except it doesn't scale well to multiple ports, and multiple
"flavours" of boot-floppy. And it became out-of-date: no wiconfig,
no -lbz2.
I agree about the MI area, tho. the runlist stuff should go there too.
(even the `rules' to make a fs image could go there as a script).
what to call it, though? src/distrib/media (boot/install media)?
With ./list and ./script subdirs, or what?
> btw - I like the idea of your crunchgen changes, but would
> an 'include' directive be more generic?
I think it's less general. Think of having 3 or 4 different flavour of
`boot floppy': x terminal, router, DHCP server, sysinst,
upgrade/install script, etc. It's easier to mix-and-match
"flavour"-dependent and platform-dependent lists if you do it on a
command line.
Includes would be useful, toio, but that involves stacking some
state in crunchgen. Sequential file-procesing was much easier to add.