Subject: sysinst in 1.4.1 looses for 2Gb IBM drive
To: None <>
From: George Michaelson <>
List: tech-install
Date: 09/30/1999 12:01:27
is still true. I've spent 2+ days battling to try and make sysinst
do an install on a clean disk. Nothing works.
FreeBSD still stuffs up the C/H/S but at least it manages to install
ok. Sysinst dies in newfs writing beyond MBR or what it thinks is
the end of the partition structure.
I really wanted to see how NetBSD was these days. I can't say that this
is encouraging...
(it did this on a 545Mb seagate as well. I think we can take it that the
fake bios geometry stuff is hosed for a fairly large class of disks)
ASUS P55T2P4 blown to latest rev BIOS firmware. Tried LBA/Normal/Large/Auto
in bios. no change.