Subject: Re: pkgsrc install of ssh
To: None <>
From: Eric Zylstra <>
List: tech-install
Date: 12/13/1999 17:04:43
>Eric Zylstra <> writes:
>  > That is all well and good.  I understand the restrictions surrounding
>  > rsa.  Unfortunately the message doesn't say where (how or what) to
>  > define this variable USA_RESIDENT.  It doesn't appear in the mk.conf
>  > file.
>Did you try the simple expedient of adding it to the mk.conf file and
>seeing if it worked? It would take you about 5 seconds.

So now I need to file a PR to point out that USA_RESIDENT is not in 
the mk.conf file?!?

Here I am, a relatively new UNIX user trying to merely install a 
widely used piece of software via a platform standard method that 
must have been used or tested by other users (unless I grossly 
overestimate the size of the NetBSD population) and I keep running 
into things like this?  I'm not doing anything fancy.

Here is what I've managed to do so far on NetBSD.  Install on my 
Mac68k machine.  Very few problems.  Worked out nicely.  Used the pkg 
install system to install imap-uw.  I figured that out pretty easily 
since all I did was follow the instructions in the NetBSD packages 
manual and it worked!  Mail server working nicely.

So a solution that might take 5 seconds might seem pretty damned 
obvious to you.  I can think of a bunch of things I could try to get 
this to work but I have no idea which ones are reasonable and which 
ones are just wrong.  I'm not trying to be lazy.  I'm just a bit 
surprised (and taken aback) by these simple things that are causing 
me problems on this install.

Actually, it appears that if I need to file a PR, someone else (or 
many other folks) have been pretty lazy themselves and self-centered 
enough to think that no one else might benefit by such a simple 