Subject: "make release" in /usr/xsrc
To: None <,>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: tech-install
Date: 12/20/1999 14:46:54
Does anyone see a problem with this? Suggest improvements?

Please follow up on tech-install; I'm not subscribed to tech-x11.

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/xsrc/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -r1.8 Makefile
*** Makefile	1999/09/27 08:56:05	1.8
--- Makefile	1999/12/20 20:43:31
*** 44,46 ****
--- 44,76 ----
  	@${MAKE} cleandir all install
+ .if !exists(../src/distrib/sets/maketars)
+ release snapshot:
+ 	@echo ../src/distrib/sets/maketars not found!
+ 	@false
+ .elif !defined(DESTDIR)
+ release snapshot:
+ 	@echo setenv DESTDIR before doing that!
+ 	@false
+ .elif !defined(RELEASEDIR)
+ release snapshot:
+ 	@echo setenv RELEASEDIR before doing that!
+ 	@false
+ .else
+ .if defined(INSTALL_DONE)
+ release snapshot:
+ .elif defined(BUILD_DONE)
+ release snapshot: install
+ .else
+ release snapshot: build
+ .endif # INSTALL_DONE and BUILD_DONE not set
+ 	${INSTALL} -d -m 755 -o root -g wheel ${RELEASEDIR}/binary/sets
+ 	sh ../src/distrib/sets/maketars -x -s ../src/distrib/sets \
+ 		-d ${DESTDIR} -t ${RELEASEDIR}/binary/sets
+ 	cd ${RELEASEDIR}/binary/sets && \
+ 		cksum -o 1 x*.tgz >>BSDSUM && \
+ 		cksum x*.tgz >>CKSUM && \
+ 		cksum -m x*.tgz >>MD5 && \
+ 		cksum -o 2 x*.tgz >>SYSVSUM
+ .endif # maketars exists and RELASEDIR and DESTDIR set