Subject: Re: putting more 'make' into 'make snapshot'
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: tech-install
Date: 12/21/1999 03:40:44
> > 1. Use 'make clean' (or snapclean) to reset the snapshot goo. I don't like
> > 	the UPDATE=1 concept very much; IMHO it is a "knob", only acceptable
> > 	in the context of something like 'make build' because you may to
> > 	update share/mk before anything else will work. Even then I wish we
> > 	would do something else instead, perhaps 'make newsrc cleandir build'
> > 	so you are really saying what you mean. But I digress.
> I don't see what's wrong with UPDATE. I feel it's dishonest somehow to
> build and install a different system than the one you're running.

Huh? If I wanted to do that to myself, I'd always have DESTDIR set, instead
of only when populating an empty tree as part of the snapshot procedure.

Hmm, maybe I'm getting myself into trouble here because I expect it to
be possible to do some kind of make clean, followed by as many cycles
of "run make, fix bug, repeat" as it takes to get a full build.

Just what, exactly, is 'make build UPDATE=1' defined to do differently??

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @