Subject: Help me build 1.4.2_ALPHA correctly on seven arch's.
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: tech-install
Date: 01/12/2000 06:35:24
I have seven machines (alpha/arm32/i386/mac68k/macppc/sparc/sun3) sitting
here. They're busy grinding away at sources checked out from anoncvs with
the tag options -rnetbsd-1-4 -D 20000110-UTC. The automation system I am
using (modulo some comments I added before uploading it) appears here:
The meat of it, and the part I need help with, in effect accomplishes this:
(cd /usr/src && make build)
(cd /usr/src/etc && make DESTDIR=<destdir> distribution)
(cd /usr/src/distrib/sets && DESTDIR=<destdir> sh checkflist)
# halt if any output was produced by checkflist
(cd /usr/src/etc && make DESTDIR=<destdir> RELEASEDIR=<releasedir> \
INSTALL_DONE=1 snapshot)
I have used a very similar method to build exportable -current snapshots.
My question is, how much work needs to be done to get this to work with
-rnetbsd-1-4 for src-crypto-all, and later for xsrc and perhaps pkgsrc.
I expect there to be arch-specific work needed for ``make snapshot'' to work;
that's not a problem as I just did that for six arch's in -current.
I also figure xsrc will be straightforward as long as I point everything at
the correct directories.
What I'm afraid of is whether the crypto stuff will work, or whether I will
end up with tainted non-secr tarballs like I did when I tried it a year ago
before the crypto build changes.
Does the goo in distrib/sets know about the new crypto layout yet?
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @