Subject: Re: another makefile mystery: COPTS
To: Todd Whitesel <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: tech-install
Date: 01/20/2000 12:02:00
[[ moved to tech-install for this question ]]

Todd Whitesel wrote:

> I am in fact doing this to rebuild systems from source and to do snapshots.
> I use an upper-level make with empty timestamp files because that has other
> nice properties which are useful for continuing after an error. In the ideal
> case where no errors occur, the current procedure can be as simple as this:
> 	get new sources onto the machine.
> 	``make cleandir''	(not the cleandir you know; clears log files)
> 	``make kernel''		(updates /netbsd and /netbsd.old, and stops)
> 	reboot and smoke-test the new kernel (best done manually).
> 	``make world''		(make build && make snapshot, mainly)
> 	upload contents of RELEASEDIR to FTP site.

I'm curious - what does "make world" do that's different to "make
snapshot"?  For my pmax snapshots, I do something similar ("rm -rf"
instead of "make cleandir").  After the new kernel is installed, I

	setenv DESTDIR ...
	setenv RELEASEDIR ...
	setenv UPDATE 1
	make release

(noting that "make release" and "make snapshot" are the same) and that's
it, except for adding a few readme's and whatnot...
