Subject: netBSD 1.5.2 : /i386/binary/sets directory not found during install process
To: None <>
From: Arnaud Fausse <>
List: tech-install
Date: 10/09/2001 21:14:45
I tried to install netBSD 1.5.2 on my PC:
Celeron 433
Mother board MSI 6163 Pro
HD QUantum 13 GO
CDROM Hitachi 40x
Install process is OK until it reaches the search of packages. Error message
is "can't find kern.tgz...". These packages are however correctly place on
the CD.
With version 1.5.1, no problem everything is fine.
Just to continue on 1.5.2 problem,
I have a LAN, install with the CDROM in an other machine with FTP works
perfect. So CDROM seems really ok !
Did somebody experienced this problem ?