Subject: Re: Custom sysinst
To: Glen Starchman <>
From: Julio Merino <>
List: tech-install
Date: 09/29/2002 23:10:59
On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 13:51:11 -0700
"Glen Starchman" <> wrote:
> In order for this new sysinst to work correctly, I somehow need to integrate
> with the bootable CD that I am burning. At this point, I am lost. How does
> sysinst get called in the boot process? I can assume that it is somehow
> called from the ramdisk, but we all know what they say about using the term
> "assume" ;-)
I've been able to make customized disks by using the stuff found in the source
tree, but I haven't found any clear documentation on how to make custom bootdisks
(that use a ramdisk, as installation) "from scratch" :(
HispaBSD admin -
For the developer -
Julio Merino <>