Subject: Re: install/5050 - Fix for this PR?
To: Julio Merino <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: tech-install
Date: 02/01/2003 18:17:11
On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Julio Merino wrote:
> Hello,
> What about the following fix for this PR? This seems the best solution
> imho, as we let the user choose how many chunks he wants (and lets him
> write chunks of any size). As he will be writting disks, he will know
> how many disks contain each set.
> Just to say that the hardcoded number of floppies is out of sync with
> reality. I tried to install 1.6 and had to figure which was the proper
> chunk size to create each disk set (so they matched the value in sysint).
> Here is the patch. Comments?
It would probably make sense to nuke fdlast from distinfo altogether.
Thinking about it - sysinst should be able to tell when you hit the
last disk:
Suggestion (I):
Define a set of known disk sizes
When building sets:
- If its a single image and any of the known disk sizes, add a
null byte
- If the last disk in a set, and the same as the other disk
images, add a null byte
At install time:
- read the first disk image, if it is one of the known disk
sizes, remember it and prompt for the next.
- continue until you hit an image of a different size
This could cost an extra disk with a single null byte in some
very rare cases :)
Suggestion (II):
Encode the number of disks in the filename:
eg: bas-aabh, bas-abbh, bas-acbh... bas-bhbh
David/absolute -- No hype required --