Subject: Google Summer of Code project ideas
To: None <>
From: Jan Schaumann <>
List: tech-install
Date: 04/21/2006 12:15:36
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As you are probably aware, the NetBSD project will once again participate
in the Google Summer of Code 2006.  We are currently compiling a list of
possible projects, but seeing how our userbase communicates primarily via
our mailing lists, I thought I should bring your attention to these

If you are interested in participating in the Summer of Code as as
student, it would be best if you would start discussing your proposal on
this list.  You also want to take a look at for a list of questions
you should be able to answer in your application.

The projects relating to topics on this mailing list are:

*  finalize syspkgs -- syspkgs is the concept of using pkgsrc's pkg_*
   tools to maintain the base system. That is, allow users to register
   and delete/update/install components of the base system with more
   ease.  There has been a lot of work in this area already, but it has
   not yet been finalized.

*  NetBSD LiveCD with installer -- While NetBSD has had LiveCDs for a
   while, there has not yet been a LiveCD that allows users to install
   NetBSD after test-driving it. A LiveCD that contains a GUI based
   installer and reliably detects the platforms features would be very

The complete list of project ideas is available online at


P.S.: Discussions (and implementations) of any of these projects is of
course welcome regardless of whether or not you are a student or intend
to apply for the SoC. :-)


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