Subject: sysinst screen clear failures
To: None <>
From: Julio M. Merino Vidal <>
List: tech-install
Date: 07/29/2007 15:13:33
[ cc'ing dsl@ as he is probably the most knowledgeable person of
sysinst ]
While installing NetBSD on a shark machine, I've found that sysinst
fails to clear the screen on multiple situations. (I doubt this is
specific to shark though.) One of this is as follows:
1. Select "Install NetBSD to hard disk"
2. Select "Yes"
3. Press enter.
4. Select "Full installation"
At this point, the screen displays the "layout" menu but below the
introductory text (and overlapped with the menu itself), the text
from the previous menu (distset) appears twice in the background.
If in 4. instead of choosing a "Full installation" I select a "Custom
installation", the intermediate menu properly clears the screen and,
when I get to the "layout" menu all is fine. Also hitting Ctrl+L in
the broken menus redraws the screen appropriately.
I've been able to fix this by adding a clear()/refresh() sequence
just after the "process_menu(MENU_distset, NULL)" call in install.c.
But that seems to be a very ugly hack. Shouldn't either msg_display
or process_menu take care of this? In fact, I've been trying to
understand how other menus are shown and they don't seem to do an
explicit clear, yet they work just fine...
If I mentioned that his seems to be a hack is because other menus
show the same annoying behavior. I can describe which other
situations I've found so far... but fixing them one by one is begging
for further problems in other menus.
Any ideas?
Julio M. Merino Vidal <>