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Re: etcupdate and postinstall: make "-s src" compulsory

Eric Haszlakiewicz wrote:
On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 08:36:35PM +0200, Johnny Billquist wrote:
Christos Zoulas wrote:
On Thu, 20 Dec 2007, Alan Barrett wrote:
 * many people keep their sources elsewhere than /usr/src;

 * etcupdate, when given a source directory, attempts to run "make
   distribution" in ${SRCDIR}/etc, and this often fails.  Fixing the
   make failures is non trivial, and I really don't care about fixing
   them because I always recommend that people should use "etcupdate -s
I use /usr/src and I am perfectly happy. Why break it?
I'll have to agree with Christos here. Why break it?
The first reason is irrelevant, as far as I can see.
The second can't hardly be a reason either.

I'd say that part of the reason would be to encourage people to use
the final output of a build when installing, rather than poking into
the source tree.  For a while now we've been discouraging people from
running a "make install" directly into a DESTDIR of /, and if you're
upgrading from tarballs it feels wrong to have the default process
require you to have a copy of the sources.

Okay. So the recommendation is to use -s, and the proposed changes don't affect any of that. You're just annoyed that it actually will try to do something if you don't give a -s? The fact that for the people and situations referred to above, the default won't work seems to me to make it pretty harmless. And for people who actually do use stuff the "old" way, it has always worked, and continues to work, and you just want to mess with them, is a good reason?

Oh well. I really should give up. After all, I've given up on using NetBSD on my machines, as it never works anyway nowadays.


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