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Re: sysinst split project - The Configuration File

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 02:50:39PM -0800, Jason Thorpe wrote:
 > >  3. Configuration should be done in a concise and legible format,
 > > such as key/value pairs, nested key/value pairs, columnar tables, or
 > > whatever. Since XML is content-free^W^W just syntax, any such sane
 > > format can easily be represented as XML. (As long as the data remains
 > > strictly hierarchical and isn't, say, graph-structured. But that's not
 > > likely to be a problem here.)
 > Right.  I tend to favor property lists for this ... but the
 > prevalent format for those in modern times are the XML flavor.

Config files meant for manual editing should use some other syntax.

Why is it again that proplib can't handle a simple key=value and
key={ key=value... } syntax?

David A. Holland

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