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Re: Anyone working on an automated install?

Aleksej Saushev <> writes:

> Josh Branning <> writes:
>> I am aware this has been asked several times already, but it really
>> would be nice to have some way of automating the installation for NetBSD.
>> If anyone is working on this, please let me know.
> NetBSD installation process is straightforward, it is trivial to script it.

If you mean with expect, it's not, if you have a lot of machines and
don't have consoles wired up.  If you mean that it shouldn't take much
coding time to make sysinst take a control file, I agree.

Centos has a mechanism where you can put a script file that essentially
answers the installation questions.  I'm fuzzy on the details, but you
can put this file in the server that you pxeboot from and cause the
installation to be almost entirely automated, with your custom choices.
I don't see any reason why sysinst couldn't do something similar.

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